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Check In15th FebSat, 15th Feb 2020
Check Out22nd FebSat, 22nd Feb 2020

Accommodation in Dina Huapi for Any Budget

Price Snapshot for Dina Huapi, Argentina

$31 - $39

Budget range (bottom 25%)


Average price (in USD)


Top 25%


What are these prices?

We analysed all the minimum prices for accommodation in Dina Huapi. The prices are for the cheapest room / bed available for a one night's stay. Prices are shown in US Dollars. The chart gives an idea of what accommodation price distribution is like in Dina Huapi. You can use it to work out what is considered cheap for Dina Huapi and what is considered expensive.

Budget Option

Los Notros 1530

Villa Huapi

Los Notros 1530

Apart Hotels Villa Huapi

Los Notros 1530 Edificio Mascardi PB A

Departamento en Complejo Villa Huapi

Los Notros 1530

Departamento Villa Huapi

117 Paseo de Los Leones Barrio El Milagro


Los Notros 1950 - Complejo Villa Huapi

Loft 201 Los Notros

Budget Option

los notros 1530 dina huapi edificio mascardi 3001

Departamento Villa Huapi Resort

1530 Los Notros MASCARDI - Módulo B - Planta Baja - F 1 (UF 56) Lago

Apart Villa Huapi

Villa Huapi Luxury Resort Edificio Cipres 2 D

Villa Huapi Luxury Resort

Budget Option

Estados unidos 1200

Donde brilla el sol

1530 Los Notros

Departamento Villa Huapi Bariloche

Budget Option


Barrio Los Girasoles

Los Notros 1530 Complejo Villa Huapi

Mirador Del Lago - Apart & Lake beach

Av Limay, 185

Brumas del Nahuel

Budget Option

Brasil 842

Departamento Casa Lego

Quintral 220

Apart Hotel Raices Patagonicas

Quintral 220

Cabañas Raices Patagonicas

Los Abedules 171

Apart Samay Hue Bungalows