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Check In15th FebSat, 15th Feb 2020
Check Out22nd FebSat, 22nd Feb 2020

Accommodation in La Rioja for Any Budget

Price Snapshot for La Rioja, Argentina

$12 - $26

Budget range (bottom 25%)


Average price (in USD)


Top 25%


What are these prices?

We analysed all the minimum prices for accommodation in La Rioja. The prices are for the cheapest room / bed available for a one night's stay. Prices are shown in US Dollars. The chart gives an idea of what accommodation price distribution is like in La Rioja. You can use it to work out what is considered cheap for La Rioja and what is considered expensive.

Dalmacio Vèlez Sarsfield La Rioja, Argentina 571


Curapaligue y Campichuelo 00

Departamento por dia

287 Jauretche

Departamento Tres Cruces

Martires de la dictadura Km. 5,5


Lamadrid 264 centro

apartamentos del rey

Cleofe Arias 560

Complejo Tinkunaco

Av. Rivadavia 336

Hotel Avenida

Budget Option

874 17 de Agosto 17 de agosto 874 barrio evita

Hostel Desiree

Budget Option

Benjamin de la Vega 138, piso 2, departamento 2

Belle Vie Suites

San Nicolas de Bari 475

Naindo Park Hotel

Rastreador Fournier 822 esquina Peru

Reina Mora Hotel

Budget Option

Avenida San Nicolás de Bari 502

Plaza Hotel

942 Pelagio B. Luna Edificio Embajador, Piso 8 ‘C’

La Rioja Apart

345 Mariano Moreno Entre Urquiza y Santa Fe

Imperial Hotel

810 Abel Bazán y Bustos

Del Pilar II

Avenida San Francisco 8500

La Comarca casa de huéspedes

Roque Luna 1463

Del Pilar I

9 de Julio 209

NOA suites