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Check In15th FebSat, 15th Feb 2020
Check Out22nd FebSat, 22nd Feb 2020

Accommodation in Pinamar for Any Budget

Price Snapshot for Pinamar, Argentina

$25 - $36

Budget range (bottom 25%)


Average price (in USD)


Top 25%


What are these prices?

We analysed all the minimum prices for accommodation in Pinamar. The prices are for the cheapest room / bed available for a one night's stay. Prices are shown in US Dollars. The chart gives an idea of what accommodation price distribution is like in Pinamar. You can use it to work out what is considered cheap for Pinamar and what is considered expensive.

150 De las Gaviotas

Gaviotas Apart Hotel

1680 De las Hesperides De las hespérides 1680

Amarras Pinamar

Del Cornalito 1282

Rincón del golf

1595 Avenida Arquitecto Jorge Bunge

Hotel Zentiva Pinamar

De La Corvina 1221

Puerto Somiedo - Pinamar Apartments

Simbad El Marino 125

Suites Mirage

Avenida Arquitecto Jorge Bunge 1881

Building Pinamar

Budget Option

Av. Bunge 1290

Green Sea Apart Hotel

toninas 24

Edificio Las Arenas

De las Burriquetas 79

Hotel Reviens

Del Besugo 960 , piso 3 depto 9


Del Tuyu 80

Amura Suites

Avenida del Valle Fértil 707

Rincón del Valle Fértil


Selene 441

Av. Bunge 700

Hotel Arenas

Fragata La Victoria 4300

Tennis Ranch Pinamar

Budget Option

Jason 1017

Hotel Libertador Spa & Health Club Pinamar

Avenida del Mar 1834
