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Check In15th FebSat, 15th Feb 2020
Check Out22nd FebSat, 22nd Feb 2020

Accommodation in Villa General Belgrano for Any Budget

Price Snapshot for Villa General Belgrano, Argentina

$23 - $30

Budget range (bottom 25%)


Average price (in USD)


Top 25%


What are these prices?

We analysed all the minimum prices for accommodation in Villa General Belgrano. The prices are for the cheapest room / bed available for a one night's stay. Prices are shown in US Dollars. The chart gives an idea of what accommodation price distribution is like in Villa General Belgrano. You can use it to work out what is considered cheap for Villa General Belgrano and what is considered expensive.

Budget Option

Av. San Martín Km 4,5 (camino A Los Reartes)

Blackstone Country Villages Hotel

Budget Option

Uruguay 16

Posada del Centro

Budget Option

San Martín 436

BlackStone Apart Boutique Hotel

belgrano s/n

Complejo el Paine

Tronador Y Aconquija Sin Numero

Howard Johnson Hotel & Spa Villa General Belgrano

Jorge Newbery 62

Del Milagro Cabañas & Posada

Budget Option

Ruta 5 KM 78,5

Graz Hauser Cabañas

Cerro Negro 86

Chalet Suisse Posada & SPA

Av Las Magnolias 138

Hotel Blumig

San Martin 1231

Ayres del Champaqui

Velez Sarsfield 86

Berna Hotel & Spa

El Nogal 683

Calina Casa de Huéspedes

Cerro Negro 173

Bremen Hotel & Spa

Budget Option

Islas Malvinas 151

Panacea Hotel

Malvinas 143

Atelier Hotel de Charme

Ruta 5 KM 78.5

Terrazas de Belgrano Club de Montaña

Ruta Provincial Nº 5 , Km 78 y 1/2

Cabañas Mirasoles

Budget Option

Plumerillo y Tronador

Windmuhle Apart Hotel & Spa