Accommodation in Banlung for Any Budget
Price Snapshot for Banlung, Cambodia
Budget range (bottom 25%)
Average price (in USD)
Top 25%
What are these prices?
We analysed all the minimum prices for accommodation in Banlung. The prices are for the cheapest room / bed available for a one night's stay. Prices are shown in US Dollars. The chart gives an idea of what accommodation price distribution is like in Banlung. You can use it to work out what is considered cheap for Banlung and what is considered expensive.
Some popular places to stay in Banlung
Loun Village, Yeak Laom, Krong Banlung 3 km on road from Yeak Laom Lake to Ou'Sean Lair Waterfall
Ratanakiri Paradise Hotel & SPA
Phum #1, Sangkat Labasiek
Tree Top Eco-Lodge
Boeung Kan seng, Banlung city, Ratanakiri Province, Kindom of Cambodia
Ratanakiri- Boutique Hotel
Boeung Kangsaing
Green Plateau Lodge
Phoum Tes Anlung, Boeung Kansaing
Terres Rouges Lodge
No.1-167, Street 29,Ou Kan Saeng Village, Boeung Kan Saeng Commune
Yeak Loam Hotel
Phum Khmer Resort
National Road 78 1.5km from around about,on the west of 78 around 1km and turn right 50m and than turn left.
Tree Lodge Banlung
Sangkat Yeaklom, Banlung
Ratanak Resort
National Road 78
Morning Star Hotel
14B, St 544, Oromeat Village Sangkat Labanseak
Banlung Kitchen
Sankat Beoung Kan Seng,Banlung Town,Ratanakiri Province
Molyka Lodge
23-46 Phum Tes Onglong, Sangkat Beung Konseng, Banlung town, Ratanakiri province
Moon Ratanak Guest House
no,23 Banking, Ratanakiri, Cambodia
Ratanak Tep Rithea homestay
78 Kachanh village 4
Tree Trails Travel Lodge
No.23 Banlung Ratanakiri Cambodia
Rith sophy homestay
no. 23
Family house
6th Village | Labanseak Commune, Banlung 855, Cambodge