Accommodation in Chiclayo for Any Budget
Price Snapshot for Chiclayo, Peru
Budget range (bottom 25%)
Average price (in USD)
Top 25%
What are these prices?
We analysed all the minimum prices for accommodation in Chiclayo. The prices are for the cheapest room / bed available for a one night's stay. Prices are shown in US Dollars. The chart gives an idea of what accommodation price distribution is like in Chiclayo. You can use it to work out what is considered cheap for Chiclayo and what is considered expensive.
Some popular places to stay in Chiclayo
Av. Federico Villarreal 115
Casa Andina Select Chiclayo
Av. Balta, 399
Costa del Sol Wyndham Chiclayo
Av. Bolognesi 756
WinMeier Hotel y Casino
Calle Juan Maria Izaga 472
Sunec Hotel
319 Avenida José Balta Segundo piso de Caja Metropolitana
Ottavis Hotel & Café
Calle los Zafiros 129
Hotel Solec
Av. Luis Gonzales 622 Chiclayo - Perú
Intiotel Chiclayo
Calle Elias Aguirre 478
Hotel Escala
Av. Saenz Peña 396 Chiclayo - Lambayeque
Mood Hotel Lifestyle
Tacna 615
Hotel Mochiks
650 Avenida Salaverry
Departamento Familiar En Chiclayo
650 Avenida Salaverry
Av. Balta 010, Las Musas
Hotel Colibri
Av. Luis Gonzales 1185
Hotel Gran Sipan
Calle 7 de Enero 1368
Hotel Embajador
Calle Lora Y Cordero 825
Hotel Villa Rita Chiclayo
calle los orfebres 379
Villa Santa
Juan Cuglievan 608