Accommodation in Avila for Any Budget
Price Snapshot for Avila, Spain
Budget range (bottom 25%)
Average price (in USD)
Top 25%
What are these prices?
We analysed all the minimum prices for accommodation in Avila. The prices are for the cheapest room / bed available for a one night's stay. Prices are shown in US Dollars. The chart gives an idea of what accommodation price distribution is like in Avila. You can use it to work out what is considered cheap for Avila and what is considered expensive.
Some popular places to stay in Avila
Plaza de la Catedral, 9
Palacio Valderrabanos
Ronda Vieja s/n
Hotel Las Murallas
San Segundo, 38
Hostal Restaurante Puerta del Alcázar
Plaza Santa Teresa, 12
Apartamentos Ávila Centro-Swing
Bracamonte, 6
Palacio de Monjaraz
Plaza de la Catedral, 10
Palacio de los Velada
1 Calle los Telares
La Casa del Presidente
Alemania, 5
Hotel Las Moradas
Calle Comuneros de Castilla, 3
Le Vintage
Calle Vallespín #44 1B
La Casa de Vallespin
Plaza de las Losillas, 2
Apartamento Losillas 2
Paseo De La Estación, 17
Hotel Exe Reina Isabel
Calle Reyes Católicos 22
Antika Snoga
Avenida Juan Carlos I, 111
Hotel II Castillas Ávila
Avenida de Salamanca, 23
Hotel Sercotel Cuatro Postes
Lopez Nuñez, 6
Hotel Arco San Vicente
Tomas Luis de Victoria, 7
El Encanto Hotel & Cafetería
Empedrada, 1