Accommodation in Trujillo for Any Budget
Price Snapshot for Trujillo, Spain
Budget range (bottom 25%)
Average price (in USD)
Top 25%
What are these prices?
We analysed all the minimum prices for accommodation in Trujillo. The prices are for the cheapest room / bed available for a one night's stay. Prices are shown in US Dollars. The chart gives an idea of what accommodation price distribution is like in Trujillo. You can use it to work out what is considered cheap for Trujillo and what is considered expensive.
Some popular places to stay in Trujillo
Plaza del Campillo, 1
Izan Trujillo
Plaza San Miguel, 3
Hostal San Miguel
Tiendas, 16 2o
Casa Apartamento Rural La Sinagoga de Trujillo
Plaza Mayor, 5
Hostal Meson la Cadena
Avenida Reina Maria Cristina 43
Villa Soterraña
Ballesteros, 6
Eurostars Palacio de Santa Marta
6 Calle Mingo Ramos
Plaza Sandra
Margarita De Iturralde, 25
El Baciyelmo
18, Plaza de Guadelupe
Apartamento Turístico Catherine
Arquillo, 2
Apartamentos Arquillo
Campillo, 11
Hostal León
Santa Beatriz de Silva, 1
Parador de Trujillo
Hotel Julio
Plaza del Altozano 7 Plazuela del Altozano 7
Apartamentos Altozano
Plaza de Santiago, 2
El Mirador de las Monjas
Hostal Julio
Plaza Del Campillo, 22
Calle Santo Domingo 8