Moving to Sydney September 2014

Travel Forums Australia / New Zealand & The Pacific Moving to Sydney September 2014

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1. Posted by nicola.aves.1 (Budding Member 20 posts) 10y Star this if you like it!

Hi guys!

I'm travelling solo to Sydney in September 2014 for a year with a working holiday visa. Looking to meet some friends along the way, would be great to make some friends before I arrive. Not starting work for the first month so lots of time to explore and meet new people. I'm looking at staying at wake up hostel - any suggestions or tips would be much appreciated! If any of you have similar plans it would be good to hear from you :-)

Nicola x

[ Edit: Edited on 13-Jul-2014, at 04:51 by nicola.aves.1 ]

2. Posted by KeoghanB (Budding Member 7 posts) 10y Star this if you like it!

Hi Nicola,

I will be arriving in Sydney on the 11th of September, currently have 7 days booked in a hostel. That is all i have organised. I too have a 12 month working visa!
Do you have any specific plans ? I have none! :) Its slightly mind boggling atm !


3. Posted by MikeTredway (Budding Member 63 posts) 10y Star this if you like it!

Hey you 2 I'm 21 travelling to sydney to do the oz intro i leave 26th september after the week there I'm flying to cairns and working my way back down the coast i have meet about 12 people from this site that are doing the same thing at the same time as me. If you would like to get in contact add me on Facebook :
Michael Tredway (my picture is me with a instagram filter on it)

Mike :) x

4. Posted by KeoghanB (Budding Member 7 posts) 10y Star this if you like it!

Hello mate, sounds amazing ! What are your flight costs to cairns? Is that already booked? Keoghan

5. Posted by nicola.aves.1 (Budding Member 20 posts) 10y Star this if you like it!

Hi guys,

I'm planning to stay in Sydney for the full year I already have an agency job sorted so I can work and travel around whenever I like :) I'm staying in a hostel for 3 weeks when I arrive, have absolutely no plans in that time so any suggestions welcome!

Nicola x

6. Posted by Mberry19 (Budding Member 4 posts) 10y Star this if you like it!

Hey Nicola, I am in the same position as you. Im travelling to Sydney in September and i have no plans apart from the first week with ultimateoz! How did you get involved with the agency job? Im starting to worry slightly that i wont find any work haha.
Meg x

7. Posted by KeoghanB (Budding Member 7 posts) 10y Star this if you like it!

I'm glad we all have the same worries haha. It's a little comforting !!

8. Posted by nicola.aves.1 (Budding Member 20 posts) 10y Star this if you like it!

Hey Meg,

That sounds fun! Do you know where you will be staying after the first week? I applied to an agency called HCA and they processed my application pretty quick it was much easier than I thought is was going to be. What sort of work are you looking for?

Nicola x

9. Posted by nicola.aves.1 (Budding Member 20 posts) 10y Star this if you like it!

Definitely keoghan, I'm sure we will all be fine when we get there it's just the fear of the unknown! Haha

10. Posted by KeoghanB (Budding Member 7 posts) 10y Star this if you like it!

Amen. When you say agency arranged work is that any work? Are you a graduate? I have heard of hca is that not hospital related work? Correct me if I'm wrong!!


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