Travelling Solo to Oz

Travel Forums Australia / New Zealand & The Pacific Travelling Solo to Oz

1. Posted by amytxo (Budding Member 2 posts) 9y Star this if you like it!


I have recently booked a flight to Oz arriving early November in Melbourne for a year of working/travelling! As an anxious young girl who has only worked abroad once I am slightly scared of the thought of going on my own! Just wondering if anyone has any advice on working in Australia and from a solo point of view! Would love to meet new people whilst there!
Thankyou! :)

2. Posted by KellieBarnes (Travel Guru 813 posts) 9y Star this if you like it!

Hi Amy,

Welcome to Travellerspoint!

There are loads of people heading to Australia with similar plans and plenty of first time and solo travellers too. Check out some of the previous discussions here: Travellers to Australia in 2015.

Don't worry, you'll have a great time!

3. Posted by Dtoman1994 (Budding Member 7 posts) 9y Star this if you like it!

Hi amy, I'm flying out to Sydney end of November - also first time out working abroad so all abit daunting! Hoping to get work within the first 2 weeks of being there. are you planning on going to Sydney?

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