Free or minimal cost Volunteering in Guatemala

Travel Forums Central/South America & The Caribbean Free or minimal cost Volunteering in Guatemala

Last Post This thread is marked as being about Central America
1. Posted by Antonio703 (Budding Member 67 posts) 9y Star this if you like it!

Hi guys,

Does anyone know of any free or low cost volunteer opportunities in Guatemala. I am not against paying but often I have found very little of the money actually goes to the organisation and in past experiences in Asia and South America it's been easier to contact them direct once I've landed.

I was wondering if anyone has any information that could help with this? It would be greatly appreciated as I have time and effort to give but limited funds. I aim to be there around April time.



2. Posted by BeatrízL (First Time Poster 1 posts) 9y Star this if you like it!

Hello Antonio!!
From now you are welcome to Guatemala.
There is an NGO located in Quetzaltenango (Xela) and they work with volunteering around the country. You only have to pay Q25.00 which in US dollars is $3.4 So is not to expensive . This is the lik of them even they can help you with Spanish if you need because the volunteering usually need some Spanish because they work directly with the communities.
Keep in touch with them and you will see is a good option to do it!!

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3. Posted by Antonio703 (Budding Member 67 posts) 9y Star this if you like it!

Hi beatrizL

Sorry for delayed response!

Thanks for that it sounds great. I will definitely check them out and hopefully can arrange something.
I am pretty good at Spanish (my mother is half Spanish) however South American is a bit different so I may brush up again as I did in Bolivia. Do you know what part of the country has main Spanish schools and volunteer opportunities. I'm sure you can all over but I was thinking there would be a hub for it (like sucre is the hub in Bolivia sort of thing). I would probably want to live around there if this is the case although if great opportunities where elsewhere I wouldn't say no :)

Thanks again and any information is very appreciated

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