Summer vacations

Travel Forums General Talk Summer vacations

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1. Posted by ofquaintcafes (Budding Member 5 posts) 6y 1 Star this if you like it!

Just curious about where everyone is heading to this summer. I still haven't made up my mind. Would love to read yours :)

2. Posted by Steffanhayden22 (Inactive 8 posts) 6y Star this if you like it!

This summer we have not decided anywhere yet for vacation but we are planning to go Mussenden Temple near Downhill beach, Ireland and Innis Orr, Co. Galway. We are so excited to visit these places.

3. Posted by Beausoleil (Travel Guru 2099 posts) 6y 1 Star this if you like it!

We stay home and tend our garden in the summer. It's very relaxing. We'll travel to England this year, Cornwall and the Cotswolds in the spring and the Dales and the Lake District in the autumn.

When it gets too hot here, we head for the coast where it is nearly always cool and within a 2-hour drive at most. Otherwise, an hour or less gets us into the Sierra Nevada Mountains or local wine country. Staying home is not a problem.

4. Posted by king_golo (Respected Member 129 posts) 6y 1 Star this if you like it!

Japan! For the first time in my life and already so excited about everything!

5. Posted by greatgrandmaR (Travel Guru 2724 posts) 6y Star this if you like it!

Depends on what you think of as summer. I am going to Tanzania in June, and then probably not traveling again until October. Most of the time we have to stay home in the summer to mow the grass.

6. Posted by Andrew Mack (Travel Guru 1037 posts) 6y Star this if you like it!

I tend to travel any time except the summer if possible.
It annoys me that I live in the UK through the cold/wet/miserable weather and then miss the few really good days So I'd rather chase the warm weather when we definately won't be having it...

7. Posted by greatgrandmaR (Travel Guru 2724 posts) 6y Star this if you like it!

IME most summer travel is in August and also some in July. In order to avoid the crowds, I try as best I can to travel in late May or early June. The weather is usually OK - even in the Caribbean the hurricane season has usually not ramped up yet. Late September is a bit iffy for hurricanes - sometimes they are a problem even into the end of November.

And I try to avoid the holidays (USA Thanksgiving, Xmas, New Years, President's Day mid Feb, Memorial Day end May, Labor Day early Sept, Easter/Spring Break) It is usually cheaper to travel between the end of November and the middle of December as long as there aren't late season hurricanes.

8. Posted by Planeterium (Budding Member 20 posts) 6y Star this if you like it!

Might consider taking a trip out to New Zealand to do some trekking if time permits!

9. Posted by king_golo (Respected Member 129 posts) 6y Star this if you like it!

Ah, those lucky people who can travel anytime they want! I'm unfortunately bound to travel in August as there isn't enough work anyway, but if I could I'd also take May/June and September/October.

10. Posted by ajaytiwari (Inactive 12 posts) 6y Star this if you like it!

In my opinion, You could plan for a holiday in Hawaii. It is 'out of Ohio' but within the country. The beaches are fabulous, the city clean and offers a choice of vacations to choose from. You could plan to take in all 4 islands in under 12 days and visit Kuau'i, Big island, Lihue and of course Oahu in Honolulu. All of these places offer a variety of things to see and do- from zip lining to seeing the roaring volcano in Big Island, visiting the beaches in Kuau'i and the only Rudraksha forest in the Western Hemisphere, playing in the crystal clear beaches of Waikiki or surfing on the North Shore waves . There are a lot more activities to do and sights to take on like the Hana Road trip or the Sunrise in Haleakala mountain and the Na Pali coast cruise.

I think it will help you a lot !!


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