UK Anyone? (Where shall we recommend in the UK)?

Travel Forums Europe UK Anyone? (Where shall we recommend in the UK)?

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1. Posted by Trebor Illusion (Budding Member 268 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

I'm in the UK, and I've just committed to a staycation in my own country (England) by booking that room I wanted up in Whitby.
North Yorkshire! Here I come, Baby!

I'm pretty excited about Whitby now, but it's not just me.
I'm sure other users here are either in the UK or have been to the UK, so could perhaps recommend where to see in the UK for anybody (and not just me/OP/thread starter, but anyone who perhaps might wish to see the UK again or for the first time).

For me, and why I was looking at the UK this year, was because of Covid. I'm using my uncertainty about travel overseas as an excuse really to see my own country in this 'the year of the Staycation' in my mind. ("while the borders are closed" I'm telling myself). So chose Whitby because it's both somewhere I haven't been yet and somewhere I want to see; so this will be a first for me going to Whitby and North Yorkshire.

There are places in England I've been, places I haven't.
I've yet to go to Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales, in the UK, and to be honest, with lockdown being different in these home nations, I've decided to see Whitby, England this year instead of Edinburgh, Scotland, as I know; England will be open to England for sure if travel further than local is allowed for leisure.

[ Edit: Edited on 21 Apr 2021, 13:25 GMT by Trebor Illusion ]

2. Posted by Trebor Illusion (Budding Member 268 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

I can recommend a bunch of places, it just depends what someone wants/likes.

3. Posted by AndyF (Moderator 2999 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

Quoting Trebor Illusion

I can recommend a bunch of places, it just depends what someone wants/likes.

Are you answering your own query there?
You're making it confusing whether you're asking for advice, or offering it. And as we have seen before, you should probably resist the urge to give advice on places you haven't been.

But you're correct - it does indeed depend what someone wants. Try filling out your profile with your interests to help people give you more useful replies. An empty profile will sometimes lead people to not bother spending their time replying.

4. Posted by Trebor Illusion (Budding Member 268 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

Quoting AndyF

Quoting Trebor Illusion

I can recommend a bunch of places, it just depends what someone wants/likes.

Are you answering your own query there?
You're making it confusing whether you're asking for advice, or offering it. And as we have seen before, you should probably resist the urge to give advice on places you haven't been.

But you're correct - it does indeed depend what someone wants. Try filling out your profile with your interests to help people give you more useful replies. An empty profile will sometimes lead people to not bother spending their time replying.

No, getting the ball rolling for anyone to start suggesting UK places....

I could recommend, for example; Thornton Heath if you're into Caribbean Cuisine and a fan of the local artists perhaps, and could even suggest September being a good time to visit Thornton Heath for its annual Thornton Heath festival.

Usually once a year in September along Thornton Heath High Street, Covid depending of course.
Is very family friendly though, and is by no means to the scale of Notting Hill Carnival, which I could also recommend if you want to party outside in London, head to Notting Hill Gate Underground Station which should be exit only on Carnival Weekend and go from there/follow the route around; it's so packed/so fun, you'd arrive early and it'll be evening time by the time you're at the other end.

[ Edit: Edited on 21 Apr 2021, 13:49 GMT by Trebor Illusion ]

5. Posted by AndyF (Moderator 2999 posts) 3y 2 Star this if you like it!

Okay a couple of things from a Mod perspective.

Please don't post images lifted from the web. They are often copyrighted.

And, please don't start a thread to blog. If you want to write about your locality the place for that is your own blog.

6. Posted by Trebor Illusion (Budding Member 268 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

I'm asking, to clarify, what anyone who's travelled in the UK, what are the places they recommend seeing; for everybody of course.

7. Posted by Beausoleil (Travel Guru 2099 posts) 3y 1 Star this if you like it!

One of my favorite places in the UK is Lindisfarne Island. You have to go when it's low tide because the road is covered with water at high tide. It's wonderful and wild at night after all the tourists have raced back to dry land so spend the night (or two) if you can.

A good day trip from Lindisfarne is Jedburgh in Scotland. I've never seen any sort of border control if you're driving.

Pickering (UK) is off the tourist path and a fun place to visit with lots of things in the area. If you like Cricket, you may want to just stay in Pickering. There is also the North Yorkshire Moors Railway that has fun trains . . . even to Whitby!

If you like larger cities and lots of things to do, York is a great town

8. Posted by Trebor Illusion (Budding Member 268 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

I'm most inerested in seeing Manchester out of Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham however, Birmingham is England's second biggest city, and I once cut my time short there when I went specially to see it coming home to London from Stoke-On-Trent the first time I went to Stoke-On-Trent... However.. (So I have actually been to Birmingham once, but by the time I got there nothing was open and it was 7 pm).
Liverpool has something that I learned of that gives me a reason to check out the place, and an excuse for myself to see Liverpool, and it's not The Beatles or Football or nothing but these stories of this phenomenon called Timeslips in Bold Street, a commercial district in Liverpool by the train station.

So it's either Manchester or Bold Street, Liverpool, and of course, if I were to see Liverpool, I'd want to see the famous Liver Building too.


Since Whitby for me isn't so straight forward since it's more than 1 service from London to it, and I'm looking to go via York for Whitby..
and it is 2021, Covid and all, meaning that England should be a safe bet if I'm allowed to travel, I'm thinking;
I could see myself compensating for not leaving the country by going to more difficult places to get to for me in the UK/England (for sure with the borders and whatnot); so at least this year, I'd know I'd have seen them; for me, it's stuff like bucket list UK travel stuff;
Stonehenge for a solstice if any chartered bus is going for a sunrise.
Land's End

and that's it, that would make 3 trips counting Whitby, so don't think I've not got the travel bug; but it's glad to see suggestions here for myself and anybody else to see in the UK for whatever reason.

[ Edit: Edited on 21 Apr 2021, 22:10 GMT by Trebor Illusion ]

9. Posted by Trebor Illusion (Budding Member 268 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

I'm still fine tuning my plans for should I see other places too.

I had a phase of wanting to see the Mary Rose in Southampton and with it, the Needles on the Isle of Wight; in 2019 but that was going to see me in a tent for the first time ever;

I have a friend I'm going to invite on whatever trip I go, including to the one to Whitby I've booked, if they say yes, I'd just add them to the booking, but I do like solo tripping too, so, it's all good.

And I cannot believe that I forgot about this, but, I'd also like to see the Lake District too.

I'm thinking, South West like Torquay or Newquay (one that's very pretty) or Land's End and...
Lake District now, and Stonehenge too maybe if there are charted busses for solstices.

[ Edit: Edited on 21 Apr 2021, 22:19 GMT by Trebor Illusion ]

10. Posted by Beausoleil (Travel Guru 2099 posts) 3y 1 Star this if you like it!

I'm thinking, South West like Torquay or Newquay (one that's very pretty) or Land's End and...
Lake District now, and Stonehenge too maybe if there are charted busses for solstices.

Torquay and Newquay are both great. Cornwall is fabulous. We liked Yorkshire much better than the famous Lake District but if you live in England, you should see it. Stonehenge on the solstice would be fun, but if you're looking for stone circles, visit Avebury Henge nearby. It's much larger and there's a lot to do right around it. Avebury Henge web site

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