Travel Attire

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1. Posted by Trebor Illusion (Budding Member 268 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

Do you have anything you wear that you recommend for travel?

I've always seen leather trousers as a safe bet as they're skin and so allow yours to breathe; they're warm when it's cold and cool when it's hot.
When I don't know if it will be a hot day or a cool day and I'm on a day out in England somewhere, I've been known to rock the leathers.
Also for transit too, I've rocked them, getting from one city to another.

2. Posted by Beausoleil (Travel Guru 2099 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

I wear khaki slacks and a turtleneck with sturdy walking shoes . . . at home and traveling. I've never figured out why anyone buys special clothes for travel. I can add a nice jacket and scarf and go to church or out to dinner in my slacks and turtleneck.

Denim takes too long to dry and leather is stiff, hot and heavy. As far as packing, I'm a minimalist.

3. Posted by Trebor Illusion (Budding Member 268 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

Quoting Beausoleil

Denim takes too long to dry and leather is... and heavy. As far as packing, I'm a minimalist.

True, but I never pack them, I wear them; I like leather because they're skin so let your skin breathe if it's hot, so doesn't feel hot actually; but they do feel warm in the cold. Also, bikers wear leather because it's a form of protection from scrapes and stuff if they fall off; love leather sometimes.

I'd also add sun shades and a hat (to keep my body temperature from escaping from my head, I wear a hat, and to keep any bright sun out of my eyes I have sun shades to hand, and also a bandanna as these are great for wiping your face with on the go if eating, and great if you need to blow your nose, or the wrap around your head, and even, as of late, great if you lose your face mask.

This is what I look like travelling/in transit mode;

[ Edit: Sorry, no promos please. ]

4. Posted by Beausoleil (Travel Guru 2099 posts) 3y 1 Star this if you like it!

Love your hat.

Yes, we always take hats and sun glasses . . . and umbrellas, but don't wear the umbrellas.

We also learned long ago to take two pairs of shoes. My husband kindly offered to go get the car during a major rainstorm in northern Colorado once and ended up walking through ankle high water. It took several days for his shoes to dry out and he only had one pair so wore wet shoes for a few days. Not fun. I use sandals for slippers to get double usage out of them.

You might find your leather slacks a bit warm when the temps hit 110 F (43.3 C) which is not that unusual here in summer. I don't like the weight and would never pack them. They are absolutely necessary on a motorcycle though. I often worry about folks I see on cycles wearing shorts. It hurts to imagine what would happen if they slide along the ground in that. No skin left . . .

5. Posted by Trebor Illusion (Budding Member 268 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

Quoting Beausoleil

Love your hat.

Thank you, I've already decided that I'm not going to take that hat to Whitby when I go because;
Whitby's so cool around then, I don't want to wear that hat because of the embarrassment you get when somebody's wearing the same thing as you.
It's a cool hat, but where I'm going when I'm going is going to be a Where's Wally/Where's Waldo of those hats, it seems, so, I'd go off to where I buy all my cool hats (now that I think about it, of whatever style, same place I got that hat and other's I've used in my travel attire), Camden. Seems only natural to me to go clothes shopping up there/Camden and, I never realised until this post, but, I've actually bought all of my cool hats in the same district/neighbourhood, randomly, so I'm just going to see what they've got there for Whitby and if I like it, I'd buy, but it won't be the same style hat as I wore to Amsterdam the time I went as seen in that video I shared, no, that style of hat will be played out/ everywhere in Whitby when I go, and I don't want to be just another guy wearing my cool hat when I could be enjoying another cool hat since I'd take one anyway... I know I'm taking a hat (to keep my body heat from escaping from the top of my head); one look at Vampire dress up weekend in Whitby and, I don't know what hat I'm taking, but I know what hat I'm not taking; just because everyone will be wearing it when I go. No, I'm going to go hat shopping in Camden and start from there for my new hat and leave my top hats at home this October.

Quoting Beausoleil

Yes, we always take hats and sun glasses . . . and umbrellas, but don't wear the umbrellas.

We also learned long ago to take two pairs of shoes. My husband kindly offered to go get the car during a major rainstorm in northern Colorado once and ended up walking through ankle high water. It took several days for his shoes to dry out and he only had one pair so wore wet shoes for a few days. Not fun. I use sandals for slippers to get double usage out of them.

If you can, pack pairs of shoes too (packing two pairs plus bringing the pair you wear going, makes for 3 pairs, which is always a good thing and I feel is worth it once you're there.

Quoting Beausoleil

You might find your leather slacks a bit warm when the temps hit 110 F (43.3 C) which is not that unusual here in summer. I don't like the weight and would never pack them. They are absolutely necessary on a motorcycle though. I often worry about folks I see on cycles wearing shorts. It hurts to imagine what would happen if they slide along the ground in that. No skin left . . .

I do wish to see warmer climates in my life. I wonder if I'd still feel the same way about leather trousers in the Tropics?

[ Edit: Edited on 22 Apr 2021, 23:22 GMT by Trebor Illusion ]

6. Posted by Trebor Illusion (Budding Member 268 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

I randomly caught S03E08 of Project Runway called High Flying Fashion (Love the internet, it can help me remember the specifics of things that stuck with me from years go)...
In this reality competition TV show I caught on TV one day by chance way back when; fashion designers were tasked with designing an outfit for a jet setter...
Then they had a bombshell of a surprise flight to Paris where, they then had to wear their designs from NYC to Paris on an overnight to Paris for the next round of the TV show...

I remember seeing them regretting a lot of their choices and ideas; and that's always stuck with me.

[ Edit: Edited on 23 Apr 2021, 12:25 GMT by Trebor Illusion ]

7. Posted by hennaonthetrek (Respected Member 1573 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

I have leather jacket which I absolutely love but I wouldn't take it with me when I travel becouse of the weight...

Quoting Trebor Illusion

I remember seeing them regretting a lot of their choices and ideas; and that's always stuck with me.

Do you remember what they did regret and why?

I don't either have a "just travelling" clothes, I travel what I already got :) Albeit I am thinking about buying khakis, they seem good choice of everyday wear :)

And I wear layers which I can easily add or take of depending the weather, usually its colder when I leave (from Finland) home so its nice to be able to take of some of the warmer clothes you have on when you get where you are going :)

8. Posted by leics2 (Travel Guru 6603 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

>I don't either have a "just travelling" clothes, I travel what I already got

Same here. I'd only buy special clothes for a trip if I was going somewhere intensely cold (e.g. winter Scandanavia, Canada, some US states). The UK just doesn't have that sort of intense cold so I don't have suitable coat and boots.

I always wear loose, comfortable clothes for flying.

If I'm going to a very warm or hot climate I take loose clothing, preferably made of cotton: loose tops, dresses, cotton trousers/loose skirts and suchlike. I don't take jeans.

If I'm going somewhere cooler, or UK-type cold, I take jeans plus clothes I can layer: even when it's very cold outside it's always much warmer inside.

As well as being too heavy to pack and too uncomfortable to wear during a flight, I think leather trousers would be unbearable in hot weather (you often see US summer bikers wearing shorts).

9. Posted by Trebor Illusion (Budding Member 268 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

Quoting leics2

>I don't either have a "just travelling" clothes, I travel what I already got

Same here. I'd only buy special clothes for a trip if I was going somewhere intensely cold (e.g. winter Scandanavia, Canada, some US states). The UK just doesn't have that sort of intense cold so I don't have suitable coat and boots.

I always wear loose, comfortable clothes for flying.

If I'm going to a very warm or hot climate I take loose clothing, preferably made of cotton: loose tops, dresses, cotton trousers/loose skirts and suchlike. I don't take jeans.

If I'm going somewhere cooler, or UK-type cold, I take jeans plus clothes I can layer: even when it's very cold outside it's always much warmer inside.

As well as being too heavy to pack and too uncomfortable to wear during a flight, I think leather trousers would be unbearable in hot weather (you often see US summer bikers wearing shorts).

Leather is skin, so it breathes, so when it's a hot summer's day in North Europe/North Eastern United States... It's not hot at all; because it's skin so it breathes; however, when it does get cold, it's also warm. Cowhide is stronger than human skin so that's why bikers wear it, but as transit clothes, I only wear it for day trips or travelling.
If I'm staying over, I just put them aside somewhere, but because I wear them, in transit, I've never had to worry about packing them.
I've likened wearing leather to sitting on a comfy leather couch wherever I'm sitting, and I know leather upholstery gets hot in the sun, but leather trousers don't do that. Leather trousers don't get hot like that; it's skin, it breathes letting in cool air and it insulates when it's cold out keeping you warm too; I say leather trousers are great for hot and cold days, and make them great for days out where you're unsure if it'll be warm or cold.

I've also been known to wear leather trousers in life, so it's not only for travel, but is a great material to travel in.
I've never worn leather coat with leather trousers, it's either denim jacket and leather trousers or leather jacket and cool jeans with a nice cut I like... But for transit, it's the leather trousers that come with me, I wore my leathers with denim day tripping in the UK or a tshirt if I were in transit a whole day, or a rain coat, leather goes with a lot of coats.

[ Edit: Edited on 23 Apr 2021, 17:45 GMT by Trebor Illusion ]

10. Posted by leics2 (Travel Guru 6603 posts) 3y Star this if you like it!

I do know how leather clothing functions, Trebor, and I'm sure other contributors to this thread know too!

You're not an experienced traveller and said yourself that >I do wish to see warmer climates in my life. I wonder if I'd still feel the same way about leather trousers in the Tropics?<

So maybe just accept what experienced travellers are telling you?

[ Edit: Edited on 23 Apr 2021, 17:45 GMT by leics2 ]


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