Blog Comments Being Blocked

Travel Forums System Talk Blog Comments Being Blocked

1. Posted by Bob Brink (Respected Member 28 posts) 1y Star this if you like it!

I was informed by a subscriber that he has been having his comments to my blog blocked. It has happened three times in the past three weeks. Is there some over zealous spam filter thing happening?

2. Posted by Bob Brink (Respected Member 28 posts) 1y Star this if you like it!

It seems that he does manage to eventually get through. But I am still wondering what is happening.

3. Posted by Sander (Moderator 6085 posts) 1y Star this if you like it!

I'm assuming this is someone without a travellerspoint account, who's just commenting with name and email?

The first time any comment is seen from such a person (based on the email address, I think), it goes to your blog comments queue, where you need to manually approve it. Did you approve this person before, or was this the first time he tried to comment? (Could he have made a typo with his email address or something?)

I'm not really aware of all the anti-spam measures we have in place for non-member blog comments. Might be that Peter can immediately pinpoint a cause, but if not, the exact message this person got when he was "blocked" is likely to be helpful with identifying the cause.

4. Posted by Bob Brink (Respected Member 28 posts) 1y Star this if you like it!

[quote=Sander]I'm assuming this is someone without a travellerspoint account, who's just commenting with name and email? The first time any comment is seen from such a person (based on the email address, I think), it goes to your blog comments queue, where you need to manually approve it. Did you approve this person before, or was this the first time he tried to comment? (Could he have made a typo with his email address or something?)

This person is a subscriber so I do not have to approve his comments. He has made many comments over the years without a problem but has now had the problem a few times.

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