
Travel Forums System Talk Wherdle

1. Posted by leics2 (Travel Guru 6613 posts) 1y Star this if you like it!

Just a heads-up that Wherdle is poorly. I've just tried today's (15/8) at 0940 UK time and no photo is showing. Will check back later....

[ Edit: Edited on 15 Aug 2023, 08:50 GMT by leics2 ]

2. Posted by karazyal (Travel Guru 5786 posts) 1y Star this if you like it!

Still same. No photo.

3. Posted by Sander (Moderator 6066 posts) 1y 1 Star this if you like it!

I fired up my time machine, and can predict that it'll work again tomorrow.

@Peter: Today's error message was: "Attribute [keyColumn] is required when return type is set to Struct and more than one record is returned"

4. Posted by leics2 (Travel Guru 6613 posts) 1y Star this if you like it!

You were right, Sander! :-)

5. Posted by Peter (Admin 7269 posts) 1y 1 Star this if you like it!

Ah sorry all.. Wherdle is kind of on auto-pilot now and unfortunately if one of the photos was removed by the member, it can break like this. Not sure if I'll get around to fixing it, but feel free to send me a private message to let me know and I can change the location for the day. I'll probably see that quicker.

Apologies if it broke anyone's streak

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