I've been working on a two month trip overseas. We leave in 6 weeks. I'm finding the travel lines in the map view a challenge. In my map view the travel lines are straight. I've spent hours, at different time, changing the travel types car/drive in both map view and planner. But when I log off and log back in the lines are straight again. This also happens when I make a change. Is anyone else having this same issue. If so, what can I do to fix it?
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Map View
I always use Google Maps and it works fine.
I don't use the travellerspoint maps to guide me on a trip. I do as BeateR does and either use Google maps on my phone or a paper map. That's because when I am driving (or being driven) I don't usually have access to travellerspoint maps - only to the car GPS.
I find that the travellerspoint maps usually conform to the road unless it is a trip by airplane or boat. Perhaps you have not saved the car option?
Thank you, I understand. Yes, I've saved the car/drive option many times in both the map and planner pages. But, as I'm planing a trip the map is a useful tool in seeing the proximity of places. I don't use the maps feature as I'm driving. I use it in preparation for a trip. Planning the logistics of the trip.
What you describe sounds very annoying - and very much not like what should happen. I can see on your map that most of your older trips have segments following the roads, but your 2024 France map doesn't have any.
Just to confirm: That 2024 France trip is indeed the (only?) one where you're experiencing this issue? And for that trip, you've changed multiple trip segments on the map view (by clicking on the route segment or the transport icon, then the edit link, and then selecting a Drive option) so that you see each of them following a road at the same time? (I can imagine an update of a single segment displaying that it's following the road, but somehow not saving on the server, but I find it exceedingly unlikely that this would happen for multiple segments.)
Is it maybe possible that you have the same trip open in both the planner view and the map view (in two different tabs, or on two different browsers / devices)? I can imagine that you're first making route changes on the map, and then undoing those changes by making an unrelated change to the same stop in the planner view (with outdated routing information overriding the recent route changes from the map). That doesn't sound very likely to be the case, given how you describe having made changes multiple ties, but it's the best non-bug scenario I could come up with.
This'll probably need Peter (the admin) to have a look to see if he can reproduce what's happening. To help him:
1) Which browser on which OS are you using?
2) Could you - without the planner view being open - edit just two route segments of your map so that they follow roads, and then do a hard reload (ctrl-shift-R; on a Mac I think it's command-shift-R), and report if the reload on the map still shows the route segments following the roads, or if they've immediately reverted to straight lines?
Hello Sander,
Just FYI, I put my answers in capital letters only so they will stand out. Thanks for any help you can give me.
I haven't been working on any of my other past trips. But I went on to my California trip and added San Francisco and changed transportation to "car" on the map view then went to planner and it was correct.
Then I changed the type of transportation, updated it and went to map view and it was correct. So, it doesn't appear I'm having trouble in all my maps, just the 2024 France map.
YES, 2024 France trip is indeed the (only?) one where I'm experiencing this issue. And YES, for that trip, I've changed multiple trip segments on the map view AND ON THE PLANNER VIEW (by clicking on the route segment or the transport icon, then the edit link - YES, and then selecting a Drive option YES) so that you see each of them following a road at the same time? YES (I can imagine an update of a single segment displaying that it's following the road, but somehow not saving on the server, but I find it exceedingly unlikely that this would happen for multiple segments.)
NO,I do not have the same trip open in both the planner view and the map view (in two different tabs, or on two different browsers / devices)? I can imagine that you're first making route changes on the map, and then undoing those changes by making an unrelated change to the same stop in the planner view (with outdated routing information overriding the recent route changes from the map). I'VE TRIED MANY COMBINATIONS, ALL DO NOT WORK.
Thanks again
Thanks for your replies! The information that it's completely limited to the France trip in this way will be very helpful for Peter to dig in. That almost certainly means there's something 'wrong' with one of the existing stops / routing information, which is causing a rare bug in the back-end logic.
Since it's a rare bug with limited impact to a single trip, fixing it won't have the highest priority, but I do expect him to take a look at it during the next week or two (could be earlier as well, and no guarantees, as I'm completely unaware of his schedule and all that - but this is what I've observed as common regarding similar bugs in the past).
For the moment, I'd just leave things as they are - the bug is clearly on our side, so there's nothing you can do to make it better. If it _really_ annoys you, you could start a new (duplicate) trip where things will probably just work (if you do that, please leave the buggy trip as is, so Peter can still track down the bug), but I personally would find that too much of a bother for something which should be resolved 'soon'.
Thank you so much for your help Sander.
Last night I spent time changing every single stop. Updating in both map view and planner view. Hoping for the best, I tried it this morning and all my stops are there. Yay!!!
I'm not sure what happened but, I'm glad it did.
Thank you again for all your help