Pet Sitting Around Europe!

Travel Forums Europe Pet Sitting Around Europe!

1. Posted by BarbaraV0124 (Budding Member 3 posts) 5w Star this if you like it!

So we have confirmed our winter trip and we are headed off to Europe for 4 months of pet sitting!
We are looking to book 75% of our time pet sitting and the rest of the time exploring what Europe has to offer!
We first started pet sitting in Europe 7 years ago and it has literally changed our lives! We are able to travel for months at a time while drastically reducing our accommodation costs. Plus, we love pets and since we presently do not have any of our own, it's so nice to have the company of pets while we travel.

We are always open to recommendations of places to see.

We leave in October and I'll post our travels on -snip-
I hope you'll follow us on this adventure and we'd love to hear about your experience in Europe!

[ Edit: Sorry, no promos please. ]

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