Travelling South East Asia for Free?!

Travel Forums Asia Travelling South East Asia for Free?!

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1. Posted by drewnicholls2 (Budding Member 2 posts) 4w Star this if you like it!

Hey so I am very close to booking a ticket and going back to South East Asia, I have done 3 months there back in October of last year and I am desperate to get back out there. The only problem is I do not have much money.
I have just come out of a long relationship and have lost a lot of good people recently in my life and i feel like I need to get away from my same old life and discover myself..
I can get together £2500 and will be able to make a bit of money online.
I have a burning desire to do something crazy that pushes me out of my comfort zone, I am buying a hammock and tent and hitchhiking/ buying a motorbike and see how far I can make it last!
I obviously know i will have to be spending some money on food and occasional bits travelling and accommodation here and there but for the most part I want to see how far I can go whilst spending most of my time volunteering etc with the plan of eventually working in Vietnam teaching english.

I was wondering if any of you lot had any tips or experiences regarding travelling around for basically nothing.

Look forward to hearing from ya,
Thanks, Drew

2. Posted by Peter (Admin 7267 posts) 4w Star this if you like it!

I've never done it, but two things come to mind.

1. If you are happy doing farm work, WWOOF has a large network of farms where you can volunteer in exchange for room and board. I'm not sure what that coverage looks like in SEA. In Australia it's fairly popular.
2. Couchsurfing may be a good option to find places to stay. Perhaps worth hosting a bit before you decide to go travelling so you can earn some credit.

You can get by quite cheaply on a bicycle if you're up for that. My dad travelled around Australia back in the 70s - he's put all his old journal entries up on his blog "Around Australia by Bike". Things have changed in the world since then of course and maybe camping by the side of the road is a little more difficult than it used to be, but I think in general it's still probably one of the cheapest ways to see the world. And the speed of travelling by bike is very pleasant.

3. Posted by berner256 (Moderator 1646 posts) 4w Star this if you like it!

It's possible to do, although I don't think I'd bring a tent or hammock. It's better to travel as light as you can so you can be completely flexible. The more stuff you have the more you'll be bogged down.

Travel like locals to lower transportation costs. That includes hitching rides. If you're friendly, respectful and can carry on a conversation, you also might be invited to stay in homes. On my first trip around the globe in the 1970s, I spent a month with a family in Austria and two weeks with a family in Iran, among others. I continue to get offers from people I meet around the globe.

Share costs with fellow travelers. That can significantly lower accommodation expenses, for example. I've done that with a friend for almost a decade.

Don't just consider staying in hostels. Some local hotels might be cheaper and better (always inspect before deciding). So are homestays. Ask for referrals. I'm spending a month this fall in northern India and spending half the time in guesthouses and homestays.

You'll go further if you acknowledge people you meet, even strangers. A nod, a smile, can help open doors, especially when you need or want help. Ask in a nice way, be grateful, and you'll be fine.

Finally, think outside the box for solutions to problems you'll encounter. Good luck!

[ Edit: -- ]

4. Posted by drewnicholls2 (Budding Member 2 posts) 4w Star this if you like it!

Thank you all for your informative replies helped me out a lot thanks!!

5. Posted by lucy12345 (First Time Poster 1 posts) 3w Star this if you like it!

You're about to embark on an incredible adventure! With £2500, focus on budget travel—hitchhike, camp, or buy a cheap motorbike. Use volunteering platforms like Workaway to exchange help for accommodation and food. Start connecting with schools in Vietnam to secure a teaching job. Stay flexible, prepared for setbacks, and keep a small emergency fund. Safe travels!

6. Posted by karazyal (Travel Guru 5775 posts) 3w Star this if you like it!

"The only problem is I do not have much money..."

" I am buying a hammock and tent and hitchhiking/ buying a motorbike and see how far I can make it last!"


You will have less money if you sleep in alleys and out of the way places. Think about it, you could be robbed and everything you have taken from you. You would be lucky to to not be injured! Besides your money, debit and credit cards, clothes, computer/phones taken - even your passport can be stolen and sold to terrorists.

Motor bike. This requires a proper drivers license. Your medical insurance will probably have a clause that says they will not pay for injuries involving motorcycles. There are tourists in hospitals asking for money to pay for costs using "GoFundMe" type pleas. Google up some of the people from your country asking for money!

Before buying your plane tickets investigate if your first arrival country requires a flight out of their country. This means evidence you have a departing flight when checking in at your home airport. Thailand now has a free 60 day entry available for many countries providing you have a departing flight.

For me, round trip to somewhere in South East Asia is much cheaper than purchasing 2 one way flights. Always do the math!

Teaching English. Google type search will give you some information for being a teacher in Vietnam and Thailand. There may be a police check requirement. Look into requirements for a TEFL certificate.

Good luck.

7. Posted by bangkokexpat (Budding Member 3 posts) 3w Star this if you like it!

I would just go for cheap hostels and hotels, rather then buying a tent. Some places you might be able to sleep, but people are not used to it and might raise some peoblems.

Post 8 was removed by a moderator
9. Posted by karazyal (Travel Guru 5775 posts) 3w Star this if you like it!

"I can get together £2500 and will be able to make a bit of money online."


Is this after paying for your plane tickets to and from this part of the world?

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