advice on quick trip to Tonga

Travel Forums Australia / New Zealand & The Pacific advice on quick trip to Tonga

Last Post This thread is marked as being about Tonga
1. Posted by nicolajhope (First Time Poster 1 posts) 7w Star this if you like it!

hi - I'm looking at the option of taking a few days out of my month in NZ to fly to Tonga. Any advice on whether it will be worth if for the 3 days I have available? thanks

2. Posted by Sergio Gonzalo (Budding Member 19 posts) 4w Star this if you like it!


In 2015 I travelled to New Zealand for 25 days and spent 3 of them in Tonga. Worth visiting, in my opinion. Most attractions are in the main island, Tongatapu, and you can visit / see all of them in a couple of days. Visitis to other island are also possible (I went to Fafa Island by boat).

Write to me a private message if you want more detail on Tongatapu attractions.

Hope it helps!!

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