Hello everyone! I’m new to the UAE and have recently started a job in a corporate company here. My family and I have just moved to Dubai, and we’re currently looking for accommodation. Can anyone provide insights on rental prices, typical expenses, and any advice on finding a good place to live?
Advice on Accommodation and Expenses in Dubai
Surely your company can advise you about seeking accommmodation, especially as you have a family?
For rental prices & typical expenses I suggest you look at the site below. It's pretty reliable:
Living in Dubai can be a bit expensive, especially for families. I think that sharing an apartment with others can really help save money. It’s a good way to find a comfortable place without spending too much.
"My family and I have just moved to Dubai, and we’re currently looking for accommodation."
I am surprised that your employer has not helped you out with suggestions for where to live. Kids? If you are bringing children will they require a school too?
Google type search shows some Expat Forums. Good source of free help could be fellow expats.
Sounds like an expensive move.