Leaning spanish - HELP!

Travel Forums Central/South America & The Caribbean Leaning spanish - HELP!

1. Posted by Nat (Budding Member 27 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

im on a mission to learn as much spanish as possible before traveling to latin america next April, therefore haveing 6 months to learn from scratch!

Has anyone tried the 'Linguaphone' spanish course either on CD or for the computer? iv also just seen the 'Latin american spanish language course' they do for the computer - guessing this would be more appropriate?

it would be great to hear from anyone whos attempted this course or one like it


2. Posted by fia (Budding Member 54 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Havn't used it, but maybe I should try. Just don't make my mistake, when I tried to learn spanish i school I mixed up the words bocadillo (sandwich) and cavallo (horse) and asked my teacher if she wanted ham on her horse She looked kind of puzzeled..

3. Posted by Andyroo (Full Member 109 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

how are the Spanish lessons going?

Are u going to classes or u self teaching?

Andy :)

4. Posted by Kingwindle (Respected Member 302 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

remember if you find it hard out there, there are always schools where you can do a few days intensive spanish for peanuts, say like $10 a morning, (USD). Its nothing for one to one teaching that really helped many people out when i was there

5. Posted by dbloom (Respected Member 586 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

BBC online courses


Has great interactive courses for learning French, Spanish, German and Italian. And short courses for Portuguese, Greek and Chinese. Also a lot of information and learning material for other languages.

6. Posted by leeann (Budding Member 17 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Good luck, I am studing spanish in Mexico and the moment, and it can be difficult. If you are trying to learn spanish to travel through latin America, leave vosotros alone, they don't use it. Also I do not know that much about the UK and what they have, but if there are bar or events that invole spanish, make and effort to go and find these places. Listening to music from latin america can help too. Although I would recommend a night class or even something once or twice a week, because it is important to have the teacher give you feed back on what you are saying wring, because if you think it sounds write, then how will you know you are saying something wrong. All the best to you.
Lee Ann

7. Posted by numero1 (Respected Member 295 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

I found that taking Spanish classes in a college was the most effective way to learn the language. I tried one of those Berlitz tape tutorials and only learnt a fraction of what I ended up learning through Spanish classes in College.

Having said that, my Spanish improved by over 1000% after 4 months in South America. Nothing beats immersing yourself in Spanish everyday as you are forced to do so throughout South America - this is the best learning experience of them all:)

8. Posted by Jimi T (Budding Member 5 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

I also have a very sketchy grasp of the spanish language. I managed to download michel thomas cd's which although i haven't got far through, seems quite good! Picking up useful bits and bobs fairly quickly. It sounds a bit like a dirty old man teaching a retarded guy and fit sounding bird, which makes it quite interesting!

At school i had a northern irish teacher, which was why i quit - struggling now to shake a northern irish spanish accent!

Jimi T

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