cheap flights to SA

Travel Forums Central/South America & The Caribbean cheap flights to SA

1. Posted by Nat (Budding Member 27 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

im looking into flying into lima and out of rio with 3months travel between. the cheapest quote iv had so far is £641 with sta travel, but still i wouldnt class this as cheap..? i want to travel early april so does anyone know if it would be better to wait and book early in the new year for a cheaper price or book now incase theres a price climb?

any info would be great,
thanks, Nat

2. Posted by hednorth (Budding Member 31 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Hey Nat!
Try to see if there are cheaper flights online...although that makes it harder to fly in and out of different cities/countries. I had to pay more than that for a return ticket to Buenos Aires, but then again I live in an expensive country. Most people say prices won`t go down if you wait. compares some of the prices.
-H :)

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