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Hello everyone, I'm plannig a solo trip of Mada from early September '06 till sometime in November '06. I'm seeking any advices and comments that could be usefull to me. Things to plan for that I might not think about, things not to miss that might not be in a travel guide, etc.
Also, I'm looking for contacts in Mada to help me find volunteering programmes in conservation or anything environmental.
Every bit of info will help,
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did you ever get information about Madagascar, it's hard to come by
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No!!! I haven't been able to get to much info...let me know if you have any luck!!!
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(Respected Member 407 posts)
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Not much response is there!
I too am planning a solo to Mad in around Feb/Marc 07. Hoping to stay as long as possible and also do some volunteer work.
I have just ordered the Lonely Planet Madagascar book, I'll let you know if it is any good.
There are a lot of volunteer programmes to Mad but horrendously expensive. I have heard it mentioned that it is better to just turn up at these places and try for a placement, it may be a lot cheaper.
I am just going to take my chances when I get there and hopefully meet other travellers in situ that will help in best places to go etc.
Good luck and have a fabulous time. If you get a chance you could drop me a line when you get back, I shall be somewhere in Africa by then but still using internet cafes etc. Would really appreciate any advice!!!
Thanks, Claire
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I am also looking for info on volunteering in Madagascar, but have had no luck finding anything you don't have to pay for. Planning to go end of Sept, let me know if you find out anything.
I'll be coming from Mauritius, do you know if it's easy to get from Mau to Mada by boat?
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I studied at Ranomafana National Park in Madagascar for 3 months and also took a cross country trip (from ranomafana down west to tulear). It was absolutely amazing but travelling around on your ownis a bit difficult though not impossible. it might get a little nauseating and crowded at times in the "taxi buses". you will probably want to visit Ranomafana National Park as it is the biggest one in MAdagascar and has lots of the wildlife you'd want to see (aka lemurs). get a guide and go hiking there. Centre Valbio, the research station that i studied at opens it's campground and facilities to people for $10 a night. there is also a small "Gite" at the opening of the park and an eco lodge farther down. i know earth watch also does stuff there. there is a variety of unbelievable ecosystems in Madagascar and while the north is supposed to be one of the highlights, i think it is harder to get there on your own. the beaches down south (by tulear and port dauphin) are amazinga nd you can get bungalows right on the beach for really cheap, there are also malagasy people who will take you on these awesome wooden sailboat type things to islands in the mozambique channel and cook you fresh fish on the beach. the malagasy are the most friendly people i ever met. I will try to see if i can find out any of the hostels/hotels we stayed at along the way. but i don't remember the names as i was with a group and it was almost 3 years ago.
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Thanks janansa, any info greatly appreciated. I am due to arrive there at the end of May. Hoping to do most of the island by public transport and on a pretty tight budget!