has anyone used the tour operater 'Andean Essentials' to do the 4day inka trail? the price seems quite resonable at $280 for the cheapest option. Even the most expensive option at $360 is cheaper than the much talked about 'United mice' company. would it be wise to go for the cheaper option in this instance? dont wnat to miss out on anything as united mice seems to get talked about a lot in these chat rooms!
Andean Essentials
I just did a Google search on Google's Peru Pages www.google.com.pe/ and I cannot locate 'Andean Essentials' maybe they are a new operator or they book out of the US, etc. However, United Mice is all over the place http://www.andeantravelweb.com/peru/companies/peru/unitedmice.html
You had best return to the person who told you about the Andean Essentials and get some solid contact information, I never beleive hearsay and I never beleive prices until I see them in print or on the wall of the company's office...as for service, you'll find out after the trek if there is no one to recommend them.
I went with United Mice and found them great, butif it helps you to makr your decision, people I compared notes with found other companies just as good and they paid about half the price I did.
The standard of mostof the tour companies seemsto be quite good. The food on the United Mice tour was outstanding. Other than that, everything else seems to have been on a par with the other companies.
Hope that helps,