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(Full Member 34 posts)
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Hi all
My and my girlfriend leave for our RTW tour in September. We are both travel virgins and will be beginning with 3 months in South America (nothing like jumping in at the deep end!). I've set out a rough itenary of all the places we would really like to see (the plan is to cross from Rio to Santiago via Iguassu, Buenos Aires, Bolivia, Peru & the Atacama).
My question is possibly a little general but how exactly do we know where to stop inbetween our main destinations? I've done lots of reading, but it's quite vague and I gather that there are many great places to stop on the way, but how do you know if it's safe/worth stopping.
Do most travellers (told you it was a bit general ) just get the first direct bus/train and keep going until they reach the next major city/town on the itenary? I read the advice about staying on the 'beaten track' but from someone who's fairly new to it all, how obvious is it that you're on it in the first place?
For instance, if we choose to travel overland from Buenos Aires to Bolivia, this is a hell of a long journey, so would it make sense to just pay for a cheap internal flight? Or would we be robbing ourselves of lots of interesting things on the way?
I would appreciate any advice from people with experience from this area of the world.
I think I may be worrying too much but a reassuring word would be good.
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(Full Member 53 posts)
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In general I think most people figure out the 'inbetween' destinations
rather impulsive and strongly influenced by advise from fellow travellers. For instance you might meet some travellers in Rio who have been to Paraty and they tell you how much they liked it. Then if it fits your schedule you might decide to go there too. This is the way I travel, but depending on you personality your might prefer some more planning.
Indeed I think it would be a shame to go all the way from BA to Bolivia by plane. I really like the Salta/Jujuy region and there is a lot to see there as well. Although I like the impulsive travelling, it
is good to have an overall plan of your route. Also if you want to
make some flights, normally it is cheaper to book well in advance. Hope it helps a bit and have a nice trip!
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(Budding Member 6 posts)
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I have done most of the Latin America. If you are just starting, Northern part of South America is bad place to get your bearings. Boliva is still on the top three most dangerious places I have ever been, and I lived in Guatemala for two years. I have also done most of Europe, lived in China. Expect a revolution in Boliva at least once a week, with shootings and teargas (I got both in less than a week).
I am not saying don't do it, just get adjusted to the cultural climate before you try, and get your Spanish inline before you enter.
Start in the South of Chile or Argentina. Then work your way north. There is more information on my site specific to Southern Chile. -snip-
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(Travel Guru 5353 posts)
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Hi Dbo,
Im travelling around South America at the moment. This is my 3rd month here and I have about another 2-3 to go. I was very nervous coming to SA alone and tried to plan everything before I came, but things just fall into place when you get here. On long bus journeys around the continent there are cities and towns which are obvious stop off points. YOu generally get a feel for wheres worth seeing from talkng to other travellers as well.
Ive been in Peru for 2 months, Bovilia for 2 weeks and am in Chile at the moment on my way to Arentina and Brazil, so if feel free to PM me if you need any help.