how long in peru?

Travel Forums Central/South America & The Caribbean how long in peru?

1. Posted by Nat (Budding Member 27 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

im planning on travelling the southern gringo route of peru (i actually fly april 18th!) - lima down to Ica, Nazca, Arequipa, Cusco, Puno across to La Paz - but having real problems with deciding when to book the Inka Trail for. should i just head straight there so i dont have to worry about being in cusco on a certain date?

How long do you suggest staying in each place before moving on? Im only thinking in rough terms, im not one to stick to a plan! for example i know im going to love sand boarding near Ica so should i plan roughly for 4days or will i be bored after a couple?

any info would be great thanks guys!

2. Posted by lloyd007 (First Time Poster 1 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!


Im currently living in Peru, (26, UK) and doing voluntary work and generally having a blast.

Try and stay in Lima a few days at least, it is really a fantastic place. Everywhere else is fantastic, too, but i guess it depends how much time you have! Feel free to email me at [email protected]

Take care,


3. Posted by ekirimkan (Budding Member 2 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Hey Nat,

I did the exact same route as the one you are describing, and it took me over 10 weeks, when i actually only planned about 5-6 for it... Actually, Cusco messed up my plan, because I eneed up staying there 5 weeks instead of 2!

Anyway, For Ica and Huacachina (wjhere you can sandboard and ride dune buggies), you only need 2-3 days... Sandboarding is fun, but it´s much hardeer than snowboarding, so you´ll get bored of it after a while. For Nazca, you probably only needd 1-2 days to do the plane ride if you want and see the other sites. Arequipa is a real cool city with a cool feel to it, but 2-3 days is enough (got to Forum at night!). There is not much to see in Puno itself, but on the Lake Titicaca, you should probably spend 2 days on the Peruvian side. And finally for Cusco, apart frfom the Inca Trail which lasts 4 days and is really amazing (do not miss it), you should spend at least a 4-5 days... and that´s if you don´t have much time. There are many amazing places around Cusco and within the city, including amazing nightlife every night of the week. And to be honest, I thought Lima was ok, but didn´t stay there so long because it´s just another big capital...

Concerning the Inca Trail, you probably should book it a few weeks in advance, because the high season starts in April-May, and it would really be a shame missing it!!! Anyway, enjoy your trip, and you won´t be disappointed!


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