Travel Forums Central/South America & The Caribbean 4 WEEKS IN STH AMERICA

1. Posted by Em_Meagher (Budding Member 3 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

I am looking to travel to South America in Feb / March 2007. I only have 4 weeks and would love someone's opinion on where to go. Obviously it's a very big place so I would like to limit the trip to 2 - 3 countries. I would definitely love to go to Rio for Carnival (25-28th Feb). I'm a 29 year old female traveling with another friend. Would love to see some great beaches but also travel through tropical jungle. We are up for any sort of adventure, so any tips would be greatly appreciated! (Also happy to fly intenally to save time).

2. Posted by Tevez (Budding Member 5 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

In Sept im going to Buenos Aires for 3 months, then making my way down to Rio. My friend has just done the whole south america thing.

From his advice,...Buenos Aires, ferry to Uruaguay, Columbia, Rio, another place in Brazil begining with Flor..?!

Whatever you do you will have a great time. You must fit in the Amazon!
Good luck

3. Posted by ericos (Budding Member 37 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

For nature and wild animals seeing, you have to visit the Patanal on the border Brazili - Bolivia. Forget the Amazon. It is to long, very expensive and you will not see any bird or animal.
If you decide visiting the Pantanal, I cann give the names and hotels low budget in the Southern Pantanal.
I am not connected to any tourist agency or organisator.
I made more than 20 trips in the Pantanal and 15 trips in the Amazon forest. But long away (2000km from Manaus)and in expedition form. It is not possible for tourist. The Pantanal is perfect for tourist.
Let me know and I will help you.
Kind regards

4. Posted by numero1 (Respected Member 295 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Quoting Tevez

From his advice,...Buenos Aires, ferry to Uruaguay, Columbia, Rio, another place in Brazil begining with Flor..?!

Whatever you do you will have a great time. You must fit in the Amazon!
Good luck

Is that Colombia or Colonia? I take it you mean Colonia here.

Colonia is in Uruguay and is a ferry ride away from Buenos Aires. Colombia is many miles away and you will need to catch a plane if going from Uruguay.

The other place in Brazil is Florianapolis.

But yes, Argentina and Brazil are best if only spending 4 weeks in South America.

5. Posted by bentivogli (Respected Member 2398 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Here's what I would do, given your preferences mentioned:

- Start out in Río
- travel south via Iguazu falls (do both the brazilian and the argentinian side)
- dip into the Paraguayan pantanal if you feel like seeing some wildlife, OR
- consider going to the national park in the vicinity of Mercedes (missiones province, Argentina; I forgot the name of the park, but it is in your guidebook) for a few days, OR
- take a relaxed trip on horseback trough the eastern plains of Uruguay
- go to the beach in Uruguay, esp. Punta del Este is something I think you will enjoy
- take the ferry from Colonia to Buenos Aires
- take enough time to experience Buenos Aires (contact me if you want tips on the tango scene)
- if time is left, consider making short trips to Rosario, or further afield, Córdoba or Puerto Madryn

And... responsible travellers try to limit continental flying to an absolute minimum

Niels (Amsterdam)

[ Edit: Edited at May 16, 2006 7:00 AM by bentivogli ]

6. Posted by snatterand (Travel Guru 454 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

I agree with Niels. Though regarding Uruguay, Punta del Diablo is SOOO much nicer than Punta del Este. More wild, more beautiful, less rich tourists, more real people. And good surfing too!!!


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