I would greatful to hear from some one who has actually done this trip from Hong kong to vietnam or in reverse. I have seen lots of questions but nothing from someone who has actually done it. I have seen the train option on Seat61's website, anyone done it? Also I heard there is a flight starting soon from Macau Island to Vietnam anyone know more about this ie costs? It would be a good option as you can get a ferry to Macau Island from HK Airport. The cost to fly directly from HK to Vietnam is crazy. Any info greatly appreciated.
Hong Kong to Vietnam
the best way for you is swimming from HK's beach to VN's beach.
I don't know the price of the flight from Macou to VN, but I can image that it would be cheapper a little bit than HK. It depends on which airline will operate it.
from HK to VN by land takes time. it takes around 2 days non-stop, and you also need a Chinese visa to go.
you can choose the cheapest airlines, because no other way. Fly from Macau to Hanoi is cheaper than from HK but you have time and money to take a ferry.
have a good choice!
there is no ferry from Macau to Vietnam, you'd take the flight to Vietnam, it's the best and fastest way.