anybody lived in BOTH Mel and Syd??

Travel Forums Australia / New Zealand & The Pacific anybody lived in BOTH Mel and Syd??

1. Posted by cardb9 (Budding Member 46 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Jus wondering if anybody on their travels has lived in both Sydney and Melbourne? As I am thinking of spending quite a few months in both.

2. Posted by steff (Travel Guru 1162 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

I have been living in Melbourne for the past three months and absolutely love it as it is a beautiful city with so much to offer. Whether its the tons of relaxed little cafés, restaurants or generally very friendly people, I'm glad I have the chance to spent some time of my life here .

Nevertheless Sydney is also a great place, I've never lived there but visited three times and stayed with friends for a few weeks. It seemed a lot bigger/busier than Melbourne with a much higher pace of life and less arty/bohemian atmosphere. A definte plus for Sydney though is that you have the beaches in the city and the weather is better than in Melbourne (that's not that difficult ;)).
One more downside is that apaprently rent there is much higher than in Melbourne.



3. Posted by TylerJames (Respected Member 333 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

go with melbourne

4. Posted by ikey (Full Member 172 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

As they say, "Melbourne's the lady, Sydney's the whore"
or "Sydney's the one night stand, Melbourne's the one you take home to meet your Mum"

5. Posted by cardb9 (Budding Member 46 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Never heard those sayings before. Ill take it into consideration. cheers.

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