Killer coke in columbia

Travel Forums Central/South America & The Caribbean Killer coke in columbia

1. Posted by michaelj (Budding Member 2 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

hi everyone. I am in Columbia right now and I am wonderign if anyone has visited any of the coca cola bottling plants to observe and talk with people about the great number of violence and abuses of workers there. I am looking for some ideas about how to do this in a safe and intentional way. My objective si only to see it for myself and try and bring what I have experienced back to the states to start dialogue and awareness. or even more, if anyone is in columbia and would be interested in doing this together.

Thanks again

2. Posted by dbloom (Respected Member 586 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

It is spelled "Colombia" not "Columbia"..I doubt that you would be welcome in any Coca Cola Plant by management although (if you speak Spanish)you could well ask permission, perhaps you should ask Colombian citizens and residents on if this is a wise decision.

3. Posted by dbloom (Respected Member 586 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Anyhow..good luck!!!! Colombia ‘most dangerous’ place for trade unionists
By Frances Williams in Geneva
Published: June 6 2006 22:25 | Last updated: June 6 2006 22:25

Colombia remains the most dangerous place on earth to be a trade unionist, with 70 people killed there last year for union activities.
In addition, 260 Colombian trade unionists received death threats “in a climate of continuing impunity for the assassins, according to the annual survey released today by the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.

Right-wing paramilitary groups and the state security forces have been blamed for most of the violence in Colombia. The ICFTU also records slayings in Brazil and Honduras, and a “pervasive climate of violence and fear” in Guatemala.

Worldwide, a total of 115 people were murdered for defending workers’ rights in 2005, more than 1,600 were subjected to violent assaults and some 9,000 were arrested. Apart from Colombia, the report highlights violence and repression in Iraq, Iran, El Salvador, Djibouti, China, Cambodia, Guatemala, Zimbabwe and Burma.

Though the death toll was down from 145 in 2004, almost entirely due to fewer killings in Colombia, “we are nevertheless witnessing increasingly severe violence and hostility against working people who stand up for their rights,” said Guy Ryder, ICFTU general secretary.

Even in the industrialised world workers’ rights are frequently violated or eroded, the report says. The Bush administration is accused of encouraging “union-busting” through measures via its National Labour Relations Board to reduce the influence of trade unions.

The ICFTU also notes aggressive publicity campaigns in the US aimed at weakening workers’ trust in trade unions.

Australia is criticised for a wave of anti-union laws that it said would deprive most workers of protection from unfair dismissal.

Publication of the report by Brussels-based ICFTU, whose 233 affiliated organisations represent 145m workers, is timed to coincide with the annual conference of the International Labour Organisation now underway in Geneva.

The conference is expected to condemn Belarus for persistent interference in trade union affairs and to consider action against Burma for its refusal to end forced labour.

In Asia, violence against trade unionists by police and security forces was documented last year in Burma, South Korea, India, Cambodia and China, where dozens of trade union activists continue to be incarcerated.

In the Middle East, 13 union representatives were assassinated in Iraq and there were reports of torture and violence against strikers in Iran. In several other countries trade unions are outlawed or severely restricted.

In Africa, the report singles out Djibouti and Zimbabwe, where the trade union movement suffers constant harassment by the government of President Robert Mugabe.

4. Posted by Luucy (Full Member 39 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Hi Agree with dbloom on both the spelling and the danger ... BE CAREFUL !
Although I have to hand it to dbloom for living in El Salvador ..My husband Costa Rican loved the country and people there but found the crime too dangerous for us to move to El Salvador so we remained in tranquil Costa Rica ( except for San Jose and Carribbean Coasts )
Good writing dbloom I also write and my B&B on Coffee farm is recommended in MANY worldwise travel books whioose Authors have stayed here anonimously ...
Hope you visit one day
Debbie King -snip-

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5. Posted by Adrock (Budding Member 55 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

I traveled through Colombia and found it to be a great country and the people were very nice. It is unique in because not many tourist go there compaired to some of the other countries in S.A. but at the same time don't forget where you are. It really helps to know some Spanish there. I would say talk to the people but I would really advise against what your thinking, it seems like your looking for trouble. Be safe and enjoy your trip, Colombia has so much more to offer the people are a big part of it. Bien Viaje,

6. Posted by TigerPilot (First Time Poster 1 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

I sugest another Title

7. Posted by dbloom (Respected Member 586 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Yes another title...Colombians should not be associated with that into Central America or US from Bogota and you'll be x rayed and searched in a special area.

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