HAPPY (Belated) BIRTHDAY, JENJEN20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Travel Forums Off Topic HAPPY (Belated) BIRTHDAY, JENJEN20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Posted by Isadora (Travel Guru 13926 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once again, late to the party - but then so is Jenna. (Her birthday was June 29th.) I don't know if you are off traveling or at uni studying really hard or just forgotten about us.

Here's hoping you had a wonderful birthday filled with lots of adventure and a ton of cake, pressies and martinis! Wait, are you old enought to drink? Yup, guess so since you're in the UK!!!

Isa hands Jenna a large pitcher of watermelon martinis and a white chocolate mousse cake!

2. Posted by Hien (Travel Guru 3906 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!


Hope you had a great one!

3. Posted by Purdy (Travel Guru 3549 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!


hope it was a wonderful day

4. Posted by Cupcake (Travel Guru 8468 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Happy Birthday Jenna!!
I hope you are recovering from a chocolate hangover ;)

5. Posted by cikusang (Respected Member 1361 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Happpy birthday, Jenna!

6. Posted by tway (Travel Guru 7273 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Happy b-Day, Jenna! Hope you had a wonderful day.

7. Posted by james (Travel Guru 4139 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Hope your birthday was a great day JENNA.

8. Posted by abcdf (Full Member 557 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Happy BDay Jen Jen!

Wishing you a great birthday and many many drinks to help you not remember it. Just kidding. I hope you have/had a great day.

9. Posted by Jase007 (Respected Member 8870 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

Happy BDay Jen Jen!
Hope you had a good one

10. Posted by beerman (Respected Member 1631 posts) 18y Star this if you like it!

.......no blinding light, just the piercing through the deep dark night with a high-power torch........

Halllloooooo? Jenna? Hallloooooo?

Is odd, Beerman is not finding to make Happy Late Wishes......must continue searching globe for Jenna........with kit bag of Beerman goodies.......handy pocket 6m x 12m folding map of world, faux chest wig suitable for pillow on long train trip through Mongolia, and this torch......

....the search is continue in neighborhood near you.....

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