Age of Backpackers in OZ

Travel Forums Australia / New Zealand & The Pacific Age of Backpackers in OZ

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1. Posted by luba (Budding Member 4 posts) 20y Star this if you like it!

My husband and I will be going to Australia in July. We are in our thirties and were wondering what age group of backpackers we will come across. Not that we really care because we have friends of all ages.

Is it a very young backpacking culture or are there people of all ages?

2. Posted by Sam I Am (Admin 5588 posts) 20y Star this if you like it!

Hi Luba,

You'll find all ages in general. However, the lions share will be between 18-31 (working holiday visa regulations) with the majority there being in their early 20's.

You'll also find different nationalities in general have different age groups backpacking. The Dutch and British are often 18-20 whereas Scandinavians tend to be older (hows that for generalizing... please no one take offense :) ).

You'll also find a ton of 30+ people travelling around, but I think you'll find them not quite taking the same type trip, ie they have their own transport more often and stay at slightly more expensive accommodation etc.

Probably won't find too many of them hanging out in Nimbin for a week either....



3. Posted by Tazza (Full Member 57 posts) 20y Star this if you like it!

Hey! I actually find that when I'm travelling around Aust the ages of people in busses/trains etc are younger than the people I meet in dorm room. Don't really know how that works, but it's just something I always notice!


4. Posted by luba (Budding Member 4 posts) 20y Star this if you like it!

Thank you both for responding to my posting. We are very excited to visit Australia in July (hopefully the weather won't be too cold!)

5. Posted by mattls (Budding Member 2 posts) 20y Star this if you like it!

Just as a quick response to your age query... I found that when i was out there the different bus companies that offer tours around australia often targeted different age groups. The Magic Bus company always seemed to have a good mix of age groups and nationalities but with a healthy portion of those being 25+.

Just thought it might be handy to know if you were thinking of going on the bus!


[ Edit: Sorry, no commercial links please... ]

6. Posted by stefan (Budding Member 14 posts) 20y Star this if you like it!

I can only reflect from my own 2 months on the East Coast of Oz Sydney-Cooktown.
In Sydney I tend to meet rather young people 18-23 often looking for a job staying in same hostel for long time.
But in general most usual age is during my trip was 23-29, English & Canadian girls and guys tend to be younger and maybe Nordic and Dutch a little bit older.
Can say that the age is not any problem what so ever. the friendly and open feeling between backpackers can't be any better than my expirence in Oz.
So don't get to much stuck on the age thing, that's not an issue.

/Hope you enjoy your trip

7. Posted by BeckyR (Full Member 174 posts) 20y Star this if you like it!

Hi . . .left Oz a few weeks ago after travelling from Sydney to the Whitsundays and then onto Melbourne . . .I think the majority were under 25, average age was 23 . . .however I met fellow travellers of all ages the youngest was 9months and the oldest was 76!! I am in my 30's, and had a fab time meeting people of all ages. YHAs in OZ tend to have the wider age range I found plus lots of Oz people travelling. Certain places and accommodation attract a younger age group, so it just depends what you are really after!

Whatever happens you will have fun!

Good luck


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