Introducing Dmitry

Travel Forums Introductions Introducing Dmitry

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1. Posted by Peter (Admin 7274 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

We have a new team member to welcome aboard :)

Dmitry has joined us to help keep you lot happy! He'll be working with us full-time as a developer here in Melbourne. Already, he's been involved in some of our recent fixes to improve the speeds on the site and has cleared up a few other bugs along the way. I'm sure you'll all see many more improvements to the site thanks to him ;)

Welcome Dmitry

2. Posted by Hien (Travel Guru 3906 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Hi Dmitry,

Welcome to the Travellerspoint family!

How are Overlord Sam and Overlord Peter treating you? Rumour has it that the previous developer was locked in a cage and was provided with only a PC to churn out codes 24 hours a day!

I have a special request. Could you make my title as forum janitor?
You can have my next month's portion of chocolates that's sent to TP. Just make sure you don't let Cupcake see the chocolates!

Psst!!! I have a word of caution for you. There is a member *CoughIsadoraCough* amongst us who likes to break things in TP. Her favourite past time used to be breaking the chatroom, but it seems that with the new improvements, she is targetting something else. Watch out! Remember, you did not hear this from me.


[ Edit: Edited at Oct 30, 2006 1:09 AM by Hien ]

3. Posted by tway (Travel Guru 7273 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Hi, Dmitry! Welcome to the madhouse...erm...TP! Hope to see you round the forums if they ever give you any free time..;)

4. Posted by Cupcake (Travel Guru 8468 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Hello Dmitry!
Hien doesn't know what he is talking about...I am caretaker for all the chocolate on TP...just forward all the chocolate bribes..erm...rations that are sent you, to Cupcake c/o Travellerspoint....and no one gets hurt :)
Welcome to the family!

5. Posted by beerman (Respected Member 1631 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Welcome to TP Dmitry!!

As you have already seen, some of the people here are a bit, how shall I say it......, humorous? Or something along those lines....

Nonetheless, this site has been home for many of us for some time now. We have made good friends and revealed much of ourselves, though some may have revealed more than necessary . So in that spirit, welcome aboard.

ps: No, Isadora doesn't break everything. That one time in Live Chat is still under investigation by the authorities, and there's no hard evidence.......


6. Posted by dyakhnov (Full Member 27 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Hi mates!

Many thanks for your warm greetings.

I hope to have some spare time out of work to start and keep updated my personal blog as well as participate in forum threads.

Let's keep in touch...

7. Posted by Whitehead (Budding Member 32 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

You rock my little world Dmitry!

8. Posted by Isadora (Travel Guru 13926 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Welcome Aboard, Dmitry!!!!!!!

Yup, I'm always late to the party and the official "Breaker of All Things TP" - or so says Hien and Cupcake... If you believe them, I'll have you working overtime to fix everything in my wake! Now about my missing contact list... What type of bribe will it take to have it found??? (Current bribes: Overlords - beer, Sander - cheesecake, Cupcake - chocolate, Me - martinis, Beerman - vacation days, Hien - durians)

I do hope you are enjoying the work and they let you out of the dungeon once in awhile for some fresh air and food!!! Just let me know if you need anything broken to doublecheck the fixes. ;)

Again, a big Isa welcome to TP!!!

9. Posted by Jase007 (Respected Member 8870 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Hi Dmitry,
Good luck and welcome aboard.
Your biggest problems will come from the mods, they are an unruly bunch.

10. Posted by Gelli (Travel Guru 2457 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Poor, poor guy

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