Calling all Enfield riders...

Travel Forums Asia Calling all Enfield riders...

Last Post This thread is marked as being about India
1. Posted by theusual (Budding Member 6 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

I'm in the Andaman Islands right now. I've shipped my Bullet here from Kolkata and I'm going to ship it to Chennai. I'm looking for anyone to join me along the way from Chennai/Pondicherry/Bangalore/Mangalore/Goa.

It's always nice to ride in groups instead of solo... so I'm just putting it out into the universe to see if there is something that comes back.

Get back at me.
I am Khayyam from Canada ;)

2. Posted by gurdeep101 (Budding Member 46 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

hi khayyam

your plan sounds a biker myself. would love to join you but i just got back from a week long ride...if you decide to ride into bombay do drop me a line...would love to meet up with you


3. Posted by vikramdas (Budding Member 16 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

hi Khayyam,

it seems your bike is shipped more / driven less..;)

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