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(Budding Member 48 posts)
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1.1.2007 Slovenia became full member of EU - accepting EU monetary policy. Our currency "SLOVENSKI TOLAR (SIT)" retired after 15 years. Personally I'm not thrilled... Beside the fact everything is more expensive, I think money is a face of culture in some way putting different symbols and for country important people on the notes. Anyway, I have already used Euro abroad but I didn't concern about the potrait side of coins... Having them in my pocket and using them every day from now on, I would like to know what they represent...
Slovenian coins (I hope you have seen them already, otherwise look on http://www.evro.si/en/slo-and-euro/slovene-euro-coins/) represent:
- 1 cent: "Štorklja" = stork; a common bird in the northeast part of the country called Prekmurje. It nests on the chimneys and we say it brings babies. It is a symbol of birth and long life.
- 2 cent: "Knežji kamen" = Duke's trone; a symbol of hundreds years lasting wish to be independent nation
- 5 cent: "Sejalec" = The Sower; several times used as a motive in Slovenian art. On the coin seeds are represented as 25 stars - members of EU... Actually, now are 27 members but they designed coin before Romania and Bulgaria joined the community.
- 10 cent: Plečnik's project of Slovenia's parliament; Unfortunately, this project of great Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik wasn't relised. "Katedrala svobode" - Cathedral of freedom as it was called, supposed to be a vision of Slovenian independence.
- 20 cent: "LipicancI" = Lipizaner; Slovenian breed of horses.
- 50 cent: Triglav; the highest Slovenian peak 2864 m. "Oj Triglav moj dom" means Oh, Triglav my home. It's a national symbol of Slovenia - represents in our flag as well. On this coin is also constellation of Cancer - zodiac sign in which Slovenia became independent (25.6.1991).
- 1 Euro: Primož Trubar; Author of the first published book in Slovenian language.
- 2 Euro: Dr. France Prešeren; Our greatest poet and author of national anthem.
Cheers, Urska
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(Moderator 5778 posts)
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I agree that I think that every country needs his own currency, out of a sort of culture thing. There are advantages and disadvantages about the euro, in Holland prices in pubs and restaurants went up...double the price. But for the rest prices stayed about the same.
In Slovenia you at least have all different things on the different coins, in Holland and as far as I know also Belgium and Luxemburg, all coins have the same....a lack of culture I think or maybe of course because the King/Queen or Bighertog had too much to tell about it.
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(Full Member 497 posts)
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This question is a little off your original thread but I am interested. How is your countries joining of the EU going to affect your daily life and do you personally welcome the new membership? I lived in England for three years and always forgot they were part of the EU since they still use the pound for currency. I know there is a lot more than just currency changes that take affect once you are a member but being an American and not growing up there I could not tell you what it was like before they joined the EU. what major changes do you forsee in your countries future, both positive and negaitve? I have not been to Slovenia either so I do not know much about your country.
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(Travel Guru 5078 posts)
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Uniformity in economics will allow the more subtle differences in culture to become apparent.
The advantages of a single currency far outweigh the culture advantages of regional currency.
Sorry the prices have gone up though - this has been quite common in member states since the introduction of the Euro. Is there no law in Slovenia to regulate inflation since the intorduction of the Euro?
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(Travel Guru 2457 posts)
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And very pretty they are too
Admittedly some of the price rises have been fairly impressive though. Having said that, a few places have converted exactly, and you are now left with a price list of some really silly looking numbers, and start accumularting 1/2/5 cent pieces very quickly...
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(Budding Member 48 posts)
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Hey everybody,
Actually, don't know where to start... Thread didn't work out as I planned but I like our debate anyway. You wrote your opinions, asked me some questions so let's go step by step.
Utrecht, I totally agree with advantages and disadvantages thing... I think the biggest advantages are that we can easily compare costs of different stuffs abroad, banks, markets & bussiness offices can better cooperate, don't need to exchange money (and pay commission) so many times etc. I guess I don't have so many points for disadvantages (are you happy mikeyBoab?? ) beside culture thing and heavier findigs of fakers...
Maybe there's also a problem because of different standard - quite huge differences in prices between countries in Euro area. Just saw comparison between them in Slovenia, Italy and Austria on TV broadcast and write down some facts. Terrible... Journalist interviewed nurses living in each mentioned country and concentrated on their salaries, prices of some products bought at grocery, prices of gas and eating out (I hope there aren't such differences in every jobs):
- salary 710 €
- recourse 350 €
- bread 2,40 €
- milk 0,66 €
- eggs 1,25 €
- coffee 0,69 €
- lettuce 1,01 €
- gas (L) 0,971 €
- pizza 4,38 €
- beer (3 dl) 1,25 €
- salary 1600 €
- recourse 1440 €
- bread 2,40 €
- milk 0,66 €
- eggs 1,25 €
- coffee 0,69 €
- lettuce 1,01 €
- gas (L) 1,218 €
- pizza 4,20 €
- beer (3 dl) 1,80 €
- salary 1900 €
- 13th s. 3600 €
- bread 1,59 €
- milk 0,75 €
- eggs 1,29 €
- coffee 0,82 €
- lettuce 0,99 €
- gas (L) 1,014 €
- pizza 6,50 €
- beer (3 dl) 2,00 €
Before € we had to withdraw on ATM at least 1000 SIT (less than 4,20 €), now at least 10 €. Personally, I suppose not good for people who spend so much as they have in their wallet. I think I don't need to mention old people. My grandma (over 80 yo) changed 4 or 5 currencies already in her life (but she has never lived abroad)... How can somebody like her knows if something for 10 € is cheap or expensive? For 10 SIT you couldn't get even a chewing gum...
Well, s_hoot I could write you a novel to answer on all your questions. Maybe I'll sound diplomatic but being the member of EU have both: + & - like everything. There are bunch of reasons for both sides. In daily life I don't see so many changes but there were reforms everywhere - in educational system, economy... I think we still have to wait for some time to get reliable results of changes that have been made.
There is a law but anyway consumers notify prices that went up every day... It looks like this: ticket for cinema was 1100 SIT, which is 4,59 € (our rate is 1 € = 239,64 SIT), so you expect new price would be 4,60 € (if I round up) but almost unbelivable it is 4,95 €!!!
Thanks Gelli. As far as I know coins or their portrait-sides from other EU countries using €, I think our are the most beautiful. Maybe I'm patriotic a little bit but anyway...
I hope you are satisfied with answers. Can't wait for replies...