The ethics of prostitution

Travel Forums Off Topic The ethics of prostitution

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31. Posted by Mel. (Travel Guru 4567 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!


I dont think legalizing hooking would prevent rapes.
I think people rape, because they have some some serious psychological problems, not because sex is not readily available, for sale.
But maybe prostitution would be safer for the prostitutes if it was legal, and therefore controlled.;)

32. Posted by beavis (Budding Member 177 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Maybe so mel, but even if it stopped a hanful of rapes then it would be worth making it legal?

Safety for the ladies of the night would also be a bonus and might just make it cleaner for all involved.

33. Posted by tway (Travel Guru 7273 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Quoting beavis

If there was legal hookers out there then just maybe 1 or 2 cases of rape may not happen.

Mel's answer is right - people rape for the control, not the sex. It's about exerting their will over someone and winning.

34. Posted by beavis (Budding Member 177 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Quoting tway

Quoting beavis

If there was legal hookers out there then just maybe 1 or 2 cases of rape may not happen.

Mel's answer is right - people rape for the control, not the sex. It's about exerting their will over someone and winning.

I dont know, I wonder if cities that have legalised prostitution have a lower % of rape cases?

35. Posted by Isadora (Travel Guru 13926 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Quoting beavis

Quoting tway

Quoting beavis

If there was legal hookers out there then just maybe 1 or 2 cases of rape may not happen.

Mel's answer is right - people rape for the control, not the sex. It's about exerting their will over someone and winning.

I dont know, I wonder if cities that have legalised prostitution have a lower % of rape cases?

I haven't found any statistics to back up my opinion, but I personally do not believe the percentages of rape are decreased in areas/countries where prostitution is legal. Again, that's just my own opinion. As Tina and Mel have stated, rape is not performed as a sexual act but one of control. Whether it is performed by men or by women (yes, there are incidences of women raping men), a forced sexual encounter is one of the most demeaning act of violence/abuse without necessarily causing visable bodily harm. It is an assualt on the one act that most women consider sacrosanct.

I also tend to believe the reporting of rape by prostitutes, whether working legally or illegally, is exceptionally inaccurate. Those working in the trade are not likely to report a rape because of their occupation. Even in areas of legalized prostitution, the victim will be considered less credible because they sell sex for money and they do not wish to spend days or weeks in court having their working/personal lives opened for public display.

Personally, I think prostitution should be legalized across the board with access to proper medical care, regular check-ups and regulated. There will always be those working outside the legal aspects of the profession and there will always be forced prostitution and slavery. But, with widespread legalization, the demand for illegal trafficking will decrease.

36. Posted by vegasmike6 (Travel Guru 3582 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Many may not know that Nevada is the only state that has legal, regulated brothels. Under Nevada law, any county with a population under 400.000 can have legal brothels. This means Clark & Washoe counties are prohibited from having legal prostitution. Las Vegas & Reno have prostitution, just not legal. Women are arrested as well as 'johns' in frequent sweeps of areas know for prostitution.

As of now, 11 of our counties have legal brothels. The smaller counties need the money generated and have decided they can live with a regulated brothel industry. I think this is an enlightened approach to prostitution. 'The worlds oldest profession' will be around as long as men are willing to pay for sex and women are willing to trade sex for money. As long as both parties are of legal age, then I am in favor of legal prostitution.

37. Posted by Mel. (Travel Guru 4567 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Quoting beavis

I dont know, I wonder if cities that have legalised prostitution have a lower % of rape cases?

I think it would be sick, if prostitution was legalised, in order to feed those girls(the prostitutes) to rapists, just in order to keep the rapists away, from the rest of u.

[ Edit: Edited on May 11, 2007, at 5:28 AM by Mel. ]

38. Posted by Isadora (Travel Guru 13926 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Quoting Mel.

Quoting beavis

I dont know, I wonder if cities that have legalised prostitution have a lower % of rape cases?

I think it would be sick, if prostitution was legalised, in order to feed those girls(the prostitutes) to rapists, just in order to keep the rapists away, from the rest of u.

1) I don't think that response actually answers Beavis' question even remotely...

2) I'm curious how legalizing prostitution is feeding the prostitutes to the rapists in order to keep them away from everyone else. Women in the illegal sex trade are probably at greater risk for rape than those who work in it legally. Again, rape is a crime of violence, not passion. Every woman, regardless of her occupation, is a possible vicitm if you look at it rationally. Legalizing prostitution would definitely allow for safer working conditions and greater protection by law enforcement. There are no major downsides to legalization except from a moral perspective.

39. Posted by wouterrr (Travel Guru 3383 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

that is why its "legal" in the Netherlands. The thought behind it is that a sick guy doesn't need to rape a woman but could go to a (heroine) prostitute to fullfill his sexual needs (the woman doesn't resist and AGREES to have sex, so in fact its no rape). I believe rape is less common in the Netherlands (I have no figures to back that up though). Same with soft drugs. I think the Netherlands has fine policy. there is no underground scene for softdrugs in the Netherlands. There where softdrugs is illegal (in most countries) there are more problems (with drugscriminality) because people tend to try things that are "forbidden". if this is short-visioned, okay, but then is the Dutch policy shortvisioned as well. My opinion is that the Dutch policy on these two issues is very progressive.

[ Edit: Edited on May 11, 2007, at 8:03 AM by wouterrr ]

40. Posted by wouterrr (Travel Guru 3383 posts) 17y Star this if you like it!

Quoting Mel.

Quoting beavis

I dont know, I wonder if cities that have legalised prostitution have a lower % of rape cases?

I think it would be sick, if prostitution was legalised, in order to feed those girls(the prostitutes) to rapists, just in order to keep the rapists away, from the rest of u.

Mel, its not really sick. if these potential rapists could fullfill their needs by having sex with a prostitue (for whatever reason the prostitute choosed for this kind of business, whatever drugaddict or forced by a pimp/loverboy....but that is another discussion) they could calm down their animal behavior (talking potential rapists here, meaning aggresive and disordered people).

I think prostitues are mental disordered people as well. but they take some society problems away. so that is the only benefit of these poor women. I hope that they get help as soon as they stop their business in order to prevent severe depressions and eventually suicidal behavior.

[ Edit: Edited on May 11, 2007, at 8:05 AM by wouterrr ]


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