So much to see and little time for travelers

Travel Forums Central/South America & The Caribbean So much to see and little time for travelers

1. Posted by caguide (Budding Member 15 posts) 20y Star this if you like it!

Central America looks tiny on the map compared to North and South America, and actually it is an Isthmus, geographically far tinier than it northern and southern cousins, which it connects. However, due to the fact that most major roads outside urban areas are two lane roads which involve a lot of risky passing, especially going up and down hills and on curves. Most national and international bus lines based in Central America do not operate overnight schedules, as in Mexico and parts of South America, nor do most natives drive outside of cities at night either, for security reasons, means that getting from point a to point b can take awhile longer, as well there exists on the Internet, either very little or fragmented information regarding budget hotels, B and B's, etc. and credible tour operators with expert bi lingual guides if required. I am attempting to eventually solve this problem, starting with the few local lodging places, operators and guides I and others I know have worked with over the years in 5 of the 6 Central American nations.

2. Posted by SHRL (Budding Member 2 posts) 19y Star this if you like it!

That would be fantastic, thanks. Myself and my girlfriend have been planning a trip from Mexico City to Costa Rica and any information would be greatly appreciated. We have plenty of time to travel around CA, approx. 4 months, but we will have limited fonds to do such approx. $4,000US each. Will this be enough? Also, we are experienced travelling ESL teachers - we it be easy to retain temporary teaching positions in case we our in need of extra cash and want to stay in an area a little longer than orginally anticipated?

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