If you had four months where would you go and why???

Travel Forums Europe If you had four months where would you go and why???

1. Posted by Alicia T (Budding Member 3 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

Okay you all, be honest about this. If you could travel around all europe for four months to see as many countries as you can and enjoy them, where would you go? Or where have you been too, that you think is amazing than most? What major cities would you go to and how long should you stay there to see all the major sights or at least the main ones. Or where would you go to for a mini day trip. What are best countries that have amazing historical sights with castles,monuments,river or lake crusies? If you have been to any of these countries, give me you opinion and advice. How long should you stay in some of these towns or city to get good feel of all the majoir sights in the city and some of the outer city sights?

1) Lithuania
2) Latvia
3) Estonia
4) Russia
5) Finland
6) Sweden
7) Norway
8) Denmark
9) Holland
10) Belgium
11) Luxembourg
12) Poland
13) Czech Republic
14) Slovakia
15) Slovenia
16) Hungary
17) Portugal
18) Spain
19) Austria
20) Egypt
21) Italy
22) France
23) Switerland
24) Germany
25) Greece
Come on you guys give me your best sense of adventure and exploring!!!!! :)

2. Posted by Ursus (Budding Member 48 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

Hi Alicia!

Truthfully, your list of countries is quite long... ;) All 25 of them in 4 months?! Well, everything is possible but... If I could travel around all Europe, I wouldn't rush just to visit as many countries as possible. I've been in many European countries already and each of them is something special so... Anyway, I suppose you have some favourites too. You also didn't mention in which part of the year you plan to go.
I've never been in Scandinavia and Baltic countries so I guess I would select these. If I travel in winter time I would definitely go somewhere to ski e. x. Switzerland, France. And in summer I would choose some places by the seaside (Greece, Cyprus). I doubt I helped you anything... You should write what do you like to do there and what else you'd like to see beside historical sites (btw many of them are in Greece - check out ancient spots and Meteora)...

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