Places that should be World Heritage Sites?

Travel Forums General Talk Places that should be World Heritage Sites?

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1. Posted by Budai (Respected Member 506 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

Been following the thread on UNESCO sites for a while, but seeing as i don't want to jack Sapphyre's thread, heres a new one for places that should be but are not currently World Heritage Sites... Anyone???

2. Posted by Budai (Respected Member 506 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

ill start - i happen to notice that Burma is not in the list at all, so... Pagan, Mandalay and the Shwedagon Paya in Rangoon are just some that definitely would and should make the list... if not for a government that is not too keen on culture.... The joke's that Orwell wrote 3 books on Burma, and it should be pretty obvious which 3...

3. Posted by Utrecht (Moderator 5778 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

Tough one actually.
I can come up with many places, but in general I think for example Iceland is way underrated. Of course, most things would be of the natural kind of heritage, whereas cultural heritage is the main thing on the list anyway. Or a combination of culture and nature, which explains why Thingvellir is on the list of Iceland.
I think more nature should be listed though, not in Iceland alone but around the globe. The pacific, so I have read, has one (!) heritage site, somewhere in the Solomon Islands. That's it! Haven't checked the list very well though, so I might not have seen several places.

4. Posted by Cay (Budding Member 34 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

I was looking on the UNESCO website and there are two world heritage sites in Wales...i am a passionate WelshMan and have done lot of mountain biking and traveling around Wales and i think there should be alot more than two!

Snowdonia National Park should be one at least...feel free to correct me if there is some plain reason why it isn't, but in my eyes it really should be....or at least the railway on the actual mountain should be...if blaenavon industrial landscape is one then Snowdonia should be!

Rant over:)

[ Edit: Edited on Mar 12, 2008, at 3:54 AM by Cay ]

5. Posted by opospa (Respected Member 1837 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

You are not Pirate like us...
I would say Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya... You know why...

6. Posted by cdwc (First Time Poster 1 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

Bulgaria has over 10 world heritage site listed.

7. Posted by Peter (Admin 7270 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

I mentioned in the other thread and I'll mention it again; Nan Madol in Pohnpei, Micronesia. Also referred to as the "Venice of the Pacific". It's a ruined city built on artificial islands, dating back to the 15th century.

Another one I'd pick is Jellyfish Lake in Palau. The jellyfish there are unique because they don't sting, so you can swim among them without any risk. Check out this video to see how darned cool it is to be able to do that!

In Australia, I'm surprised the Twelve Apostles aren't listed.

8. Posted by magykal1 (Travel Guru 2026 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

I think Napier, New Zealand should be on the list - amazingly well preserved art deco architecture. Also I was suprised that Heidelberg wasn't on there.

Wow - the Jellyfish Lake looks amazing.

9. Posted by Isadora (Travel Guru 13926 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

Sport Diver magazine had an article about Jellyfish Lake not too long ago. The pictures were amazing. We also saw a documentary where they had video of the lake (may have been Blue Planet). The jellyfish do have stinging cells but they are so small that most people don't even feel the sting. Snorkeling is allowed but tank diving is not.

I'm surprised that Antelope Canyon (a slot canyon) in Arizona is not included on the list.

10. Posted by rach6083 (Budding Member 53 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

How/who decides which places make it on the UNESCO world heritage list? Now that would be a very nice job! Flying round the world, seeing amazing places, all expenses paid......;)

[ Edit: Added wiki related content. ]

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