Detroit...i've got a 10 hour layover...

Travel Forums North America Detroit...i've got a 10 hour layover...

1. Posted by JungleJano (Budding Member 54 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

I'm buying tickets today to get to england for my fall semester abroad, and i looks like i'll be having a 10 and a half hour layover in detroit (in september).

Does anyone have any recommendations for me of things i could do/places to go for several hours? I will be carrying my guitar (any good spots to busk at? teehee), and a laptop, book, etc. so I would be more than happy to sit and relax for a bit; but finding a nice place to walk around in would probably be nice considering the long flight ahead to london.

parks, coffeeshops, bustling quirky downtowns... i'm a bit of a bohemian, also not very city-savvy. if anyone knows detroit and has any ideas, throw them at me!!

also, how might i get to those sites of interest (public bus perhaps?)



2. Posted by malmn (Full Member 45 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!


[ Edit: Edited on May 31, 2008, at 5:14 AM by malmn ]

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