Toronto to Montreal - midnight bus?

Travel Forums North America Toronto to Montreal - midnight bus?

1. Posted by MarleneMax (Budding Member 49 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

I'm in Toronto and then heading to Montreal. I'm thinking of taking the midnight greyhound bus which is an 8hr ride. Anyone done this? How's the bus ride experience? i know I could take the viarail but I'm trying to save some money by not paying for 1 nights accomodation.


2. Posted by JungleJano (Budding Member 54 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

i haven't done this entire route, but i've done kingston to montreal, which is half of the overall ride (i think it should be less than 8 hours total...? not sure though)

the buses are pretty comfortable and usually not packed, especially for the midnight trip. i would recommend it.

3. Posted by chemgal (Full Member 149 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

Coach Canada also operates buses on this route. They have one that leaves from Toronto at 12:30am and arrives into Montreal at 7:05am. I've heard that they have cheaper fares however you can't book it online.

[ Edit: Edited on Jun 16, 2008, at 4:27 PM by chemgal ]

4. Posted by Paulard (Budding Member 24 posts) 16y Star this if you like it!

Yes coach canada goes overnight. I'm not sure but, they used to have a $1 fair... I think it ended in march tho.

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