Cash Machines in Guatemala?

Travel Forums Central/South America & The Caribbean Cash Machines in Guatemala?

1. Posted by Kingwindle (Respected Member 302 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!


Going to Guatemala on Wed, and was wondering about cash.

I'll have some Dollars but was wondering if cash machines accept English debit cards. I've got a Nationwide Flex account so its actually a debit VISA -

Any advice is welcomed.

Many thanks,


[ Edit: Edited on Dec 28, 2008, at 4:23 AM by Kingwindle ]

2. Posted by Piecar (Inactive 1218 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

Check to make sure that you are hooked into both the Cirrus and Plus system. If that is the case, you will be fine.

Be warned, not all bank machines there are hooked into those systems. If they don't have the symbol, don't put your card in. I would hate to see the machine keep your card. It's a hassle.

My last piece of advice is this: Call your bank and have them put a note on your account that you will be using the card down there. I've had the banks turn off my card three times over the course of my travels because they thought the card was stolen. That is another pain in the ass....and before you go, make sure you have the international number for fixing your card problems....

oh, last plus one. Never go to the bank machine when you are flat busted. Murphy lurks around waiting for times like these to screw you. Go when you still have some bread in your kick. Word to the wise.

But, to the real question. Lots of banks down there will take a foreign debit card

Good luck out there.

3. Posted by Kingwindle (Respected Member 302 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

Cheers for the response, you've made me think about things I hadn't considered.

Generally this card is known to be one that can be used abroad, there is no commission taken and I did use it when I travelled up through South America for 8 months (plus Mexico).

I'll definiftely take the number though for international card fixing - that could be handy.

If there is anyone else out there who has any other opinions then please let me know!

Many thanks,


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