Hi there I've got 5 days to get from San jose to Cancun,
Has anyone done the journey? and how did you do it? and if possible for roughly how much?
Thank you
Cheapest, quickest way From San Jose(costa rica) to Cancun
You can travel by bus up to Mexico. Ticabus drives that route: http://www.ticabus.com
You just have to figure out how to get from the bus station to Cancun.
I guess you need to reach either Guatemala or Belize and from there the bus
check for ado.com
the bus network in mexico
good luck
OK, San Jose, Costa Rica to Cancun one way for 389 Euros (about $514) via Bravofly
[ Edit: Edited on 06-May-2009, at 14:52 by Blinq ]