Totally new here - need help plz

Travel Forums System Talk Totally new here - need help plz

1. Posted by DavidJFabe (Full Member 3 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

I just started my blog recently in preparation for an upcoming trip:

I know next to nothing about this site and keep hearing references to things such as a travel map (which I can't seem to find) and various other neat things one can do. Is there a place where I can get first-time pointers on how to use the blog system here? Would somebody mind telling me where I can find the friggin' travel map? Am I blind?

If this is anything reminiscent of other forums I'm likely to get derisive comments fro posting questions like this but I'm really lost here. Any help would be very nice. Any insults you wish to throw at me can be saved because I'm fully aware I'm a "noob" and that I'm probably asking stupid questions. Just need some help please.

[ Edit: Edited on 10-Apr-2009, at 15:07 by DavidJFabe ]

2. Posted by DavidJFabe (Full Member 3 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

Okay, never mind. Proceed to call me dumb. Finally found it. BUT I would like any pointers that people have with respect to making the most out of my blog.

3. Posted by Hien (Travel Guru 3906 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

Hi David,

Welcome to TP! :)

Nope, you're not blind at all, I think you're just too excited with the site and your upcoming trip that you overlooked things that's right in front of you!

First of all, everything related to your account is placed under the Control Panel. The Travel Map feature is in one of the sections. Everything from there is pretty much self explanatory. However, if you need more help, refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page for each main sections of the site. If the FAQs page doesn't have answers to whatever questions you may have, just post it here and we'd be glad to help you out.


4. Posted by Hien (Travel Guru 3906 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

Ah! Two minutes too late!

5. Posted by DavidJFabe (Full Member 3 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

Thanks Hein! I was totally wrong about this place resembling a "typical forum", thank god. WILL check out the FAQ page, as I should have but as you noted I'm totally excited to get to work on my blog. I'm a child of the internet and have no attention span.

6. Posted by Sander (Moderator 6071 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

Quoting DavidJFabe

If this is anything reminiscent of other forums I'm likely to get derisive comments fro posting questions like this but I'm really lost here. Any help would be very nice. Any insults you wish to throw at me can be saved because I'm fully aware I'm a "noob" and that I'm probably asking stupid questions. Just need some help please.

For what it's worth, the attitudes on this particular forum are nothing like the ones you seem to be familiar with; we kinda pride ourselves on being just friendly and helpful, and would probably severely frown on anyone using phrases like "noob" in a derisive manner.

Take a look around, see if you don't like what you see, and please don't hesitate to ask any other questions you might have.

As for tips on getting more out of your blog, here's two posts which were posted on the official travellerspoint blog which might be helpful:

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