
Travel Forums Travel Companions portugal

1. Posted by lakers6902 (Budding Member 70 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

Im travelling to Portugal for a few weeks in July (probably 15-30) I’m planning on starting either in the north of south and going in the opposite direction. Maybe, hitch-hiking or train if it is cheap enough; Preferibly along the beach :P
My flight back home is from Switzerland on the 6th of August, so I might stay longer in Portugal =]
If anyone is visiting Portugal and would like to meet up or check out a few cities together let me know!

2. Posted by LadyDarl1n (Budding Member 14 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

Hey Mike,

which cities in portugal are u planning on visiting..im planning to spend summer in eu..starting off Holland..and some places im planning to visit are: greece, spain, italy (cinque terre), turkey, portugal..

but im still planning the details..


3. Posted by lakers6902 (Budding Member 70 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!


I was thinking of starting up North around the 1st of July, and making my way South along the coast. I am still deciding which cities to visit, as I am planning on staying for about 3 weeks. Nonetheless, the cities I am considering visiting are: Porto, Aveiro, Coimbra, Lisbon, and Lagos. I am thinking of stopping in a few more places, but nothings final.
Where were you thinking of heading in Portugal?

4. Posted by LadyDarl1n (Budding Member 14 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

I have absolutely no idea..mmhm..the things is most of my friends are working..so i figured id go somewhere..always wanted to go see portugal...but kinda not sure of going on my own..=)

5. Posted by lakers6902 (Budding Member 70 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

haha, aww. Yea you should definately check out Portugal! Great beaches, fun people and cheap prices. Cant get any better :P

do you have msn messenger?

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