What's The Best Of Peru!?

Travel Forums Central/South America & The Caribbean What's The Best Of Peru!?

1. Posted by kar077 (Budding Member 10 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

2. Posted by Isadora (Travel Guru 13926 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

I'm curious why you are asking since you were there about six months ago...

Central/South America - help needed please: Post #3.

You will (more likely) receive answers if you are a bit more specific than just the emoticon. :)

3. Posted by kar077 (Budding Member 10 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

Because I only had the oportunity to visit the south

not the north and maybe there's better places who knows

..another question?!

4. Posted by Isadora (Travel Guru 13926 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

Nope - glad you specified and I'm sure others will be also because they now have something to work with. Thank you for your response.

5. Posted by Jim J (Budding Member 13 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

Machu Picchu :)

6. Posted by kar077 (Budding Member 10 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

I think Amazonas will be a good place to visit in the north.

right? =S

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