Best way to get from Brisbane to Cairns

Travel Forums Australia / New Zealand & The Pacific Best way to get from Brisbane to Cairns

1. Posted by chelseakyp (Budding Member 86 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

Hiii guys

Two of us are going to Melbourne for a wedding in September and will then fly to Brisbane for a few days, we want to go from there to Cairns but are trying to decide the best way to get there, we'll be flying a lot within the few weeks that we're there so im thinking train or coach, Greyhounds seem ridiculously expensive, any tips??

2. Posted by Cool Paul (Respected Member 611 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

greyhound will probably be the cheapest. look into a flight though. I know trains are a lot more than buses

if you do take a bus be prepared for a looong journey. it's around 22-24 hours

3. Posted by bex76 (Moderator 5413 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

Flying with either Jetstar or Virgin Blue may work out cheaper then getting the Greyhound bus.

4. Posted by travelyack (Budding Member 23 posts) 15y Star this if you like it!

Why not have a bucket of fun and hire a campervan and drive yourself and hop along up the coast with heaps of other people in a campervans.stcacks of fun and not so expensive. check it out!

[ Edit: Sorry, no promos please. ]

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