Will this stop me going on holiday to the USA? :(

Travel Forums North America Will this stop me going on holiday to the USA? :(

1. Posted by spikey_ben (First Time Poster 1 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Well i have been to the USA a few times, and i worked over there and had a visa etc 6 years ago.

The thing is, i got in some trouble just under 5 years ago and i'm due to go to New York next month on holiday and i'm worried it may stop me. it's a surprise for my girlfriend.

Basicly, to keep it short, a few years ago, i met a girl who turned out to be a very bad person. she took my savings and everything i had and i was left with nothing and had nowhere to live.

My folks were out of town so i went to a holiday inn style motel - and stayed there for 5 nights and when it came to check out, of course i didn't have any money. But i just needed somewhere to sleep. I didn't damage the room, etc, nothing like that. just slept there.

Anyway, they called the cops and they said i had to pay, so i went to court and paid for my stay, and that was it. But at the time they said it was deception, as i knew i couldn't pay for the room in the first place.

I had never been in trouble before and have not since. Like i said, it was just under 5 years ago and everything is good, has been since then.

I have been on holiday to a few places and went to Cuba last year but i'm hearing different things about America now.

Somw say i have no chance whilst others say they are only interested in people who have been involved in weapons, assault, drugs that sort of thing but i'm not sure.

And i don't want to put yes on my entry card if i dont have to, as i dont want unneccassary attention brought to me. i have filled out that ESTA thing online and said no to everything and it was fine.

i'm worried, as it's all booked.

any advice, opinions please. :(

2. Posted by Sam I Am (Admin 5588 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Have you tried contacting the American embassy to get a visa? Everyone entering the US has to get one now in advance anyway, so you might as well start early as possible. Unless you ended up with a criminal record in the States, I don't think it could hurt you. If you have a criminal record there it might well be a different matter though...

3. Posted by s96024 (Full Member 106 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Don't declare it and don't worry.

4. Posted by jambo101 (Respected Member 414 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Just say nothing about it and try not to look nervous when talking to customs officials..Let us know how it went..

5. Posted by claire16c (Budding Member 5 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

If you dont have a criminal record I dont see why youd have a problem travelling under the visa waiver programme, and youve got your ESTA sorted.

It says this on the website

"I was arrested/convicted of a crime years ago. Can I use the VWP?
ESTA will assess your eligibility for travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program. The assessment includes questions regarding previous arrests and/or convictions. If you have been arrested for or charged with a crime, including offences involving the use of a controlled substance, you may require a U.S. visa and, in some cases, a waiver of ineligibility. If you choose to apply for electronic travel authorization via ESTA, the system will advise you whether you must visit a U.S. Embassy or Consulate to apply for a visa. For further details on ESTA and to see if you are eligible for the VWP please refer to the ESTA website."

From what youve said it just sounded like you paid and fine and werent convicted of anything anyway?

6. Posted by cvpepper11 (Budding Member 16 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

you will be fine. America wants you to come spend money. LOL. Just don't declare it, they've already forgotten about it I'm sure.

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