Hi guys,
I'm planning on doing the Trans-Mongolian train trip starting in late March or early April the latest. Planning to stop in Irkutsk/Lake Baikal for a couple of days and then in Mongolia for a week or so (so all in all spend 2-2.5 weeks on the way to Beijing). Going to take a bus from Helsinki to St. Petersburg and then off to Moscow by train. Not planning on spending too much time in Moscow, too damn expensive. I have no other definite plans, except for that I have to reach Bangkok by May 24th-ish. Other places I'm hoping to visit include Guilin and Lijiang areas in China, would be great to spend some time in Laos too, but probably won't have enough time. After SE Asia, I'm flying over to Australia, maybe in late June, maybe later, don't know yet.
Would be great to have someone to travel with at least for the start of the journey. So if your travel plans are more or less the same as mine, drop me a line and we'll continue from there
Hanna, 25, f, Finland